I feel fortunate that all my children were born before there were vaccines
for measles and chicken pox.  They all got these diseases and came through
it fine..as I did.
I don't trust our govermment to do right by any of us...
Do you?

-----Original Message-----
From: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com [mailto:silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com]
On Behalf Of Dee 
Sent: Thursday, November 22, 2007 2:23 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>o Law Says Parents Have To Get Their Children Vaccinated

 Well, all I can say is, kids must have been a lot healthier in my days! 
They probably were because they weren't vaccinated with about six lots of
vaccines before they are six weeks old!  Plus they didn't eat so much junk
food.  I never remember children being seriously ill with measles, only
poorly for a few days.  My two caught it when they were 1yr old and 2yrs old
respectively, and they were only listless and sick for one day, and then
apart from the spots, you wouldn't have known they were ill.  One of mine
had it worse for a few days, but only a few.  The same applied to everyone I
knew, not like nowadays when there are so many asthmatic children and
children with various allergies etc., also autism.  I only ever knew one
child in all the time my four children were at various schools, that had
autism, whereas now, I know of four belonging to people whose kids are all
in one class!  There has to be something very wrong.  Dee 

-------Original Message------- 


From: Dan Nave 

Date: 21/11/2007 21:30:18 

To: silver-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: RE: CS>o Law Says Parents Have To Get Their Children Vaccinated 




"The Disease 

"We don't usually think of measles as being a serious disease, but it 

Can be very serious. Most children who get measles will have a rash, 

High fever, cough, runny nose, and watery eyes. These symptoms last for 

1 or 2 weeks. But measles also causes ear infections in nearly 1 out of 

Every 10 children who get it. As many as 1 out of 20 children with 

Measles gets pneumonia. About 1 child in every 1,000 who get measles 

Will get encephalitis. (This is an inflammation of the brain that can 

Lead to convulsions, and can leave your child deaf or mentally 

Retarded.) For every 1,000 children who get measles, 1 or 2 will die 

>From it. Measles can also make a pregnant woman have a miscarriage or 

Give birth prematurely. 

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