Dianne writes:
> Wasn't salt being added to the water while generating cs that caused
> argyria?  Would cooking with cs with salt cause the cs to change and
> possibly cause argyria?  

It's the total amount of silver (along with some dietary, 
environmental, and genetic issues) that determines your vulnerability 
to argyria. Making silver compounds allow you to dissolve a *LOT* more 
silver in a given amount of water, leading to more easily overdosing 
over a long enough period of use.

If you use your low concentration CS (EIS) in cooking you will at most 
be adding back a little of the trace amounts of silver that would have 
probably been in there if the ingredients had come from fertile soil. 

The silver will be bound chemically with the food. It may or may not 
improve shelf life or have therapeutic value, but is unlikely to hurt 
you, either, I believe. Certainly worth trying.

I agree that it might not work real well with yeast. <grin>

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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