Pat wrote:

>Problem is, I can't tell if any silver is in there without >a Tyndall.

Tyndall is an indication of the colloid portion of the CS. You can see if you have silver ions and possibly even judge the concentration by using the much maligned "Salt Test."

Pour a small amount of CS into a narrow clear glass container. Add a few crystals of salt to it. With the light coming from the back of the container, look through it and you should be able to see a blue haze from the combining of the silver and the sodium chloride. (Silver chloride.)

>One time I was so pleased at how much better my Explorer >drove after I'd asked the mechanics to add a few pounds >more air pressure to the tires after rotation. When I got >home, my son checked the was at the exact same >pressure as always.

Many mechanics tend to under-inflate tires because they, or the manufacturer, feel that you will like the softer ride. The recommended pressure from the car companies is usually never as much pressure as that indicated on the tire itself. At least that is my experience. I always inflate to the rated pressure on the tire.


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