Since I have been waiting for over a year and a half
since application approved, I thought; just fix my
house, but wondering if would really be fixed or just
patched up. Doesn't look bad but know mold is here. My
daughter moved and I'm glad but I don't want to move.
--- wrote:

> My whole house was reconstructed after the
> hurricanes caused water damage. We 
> moved out with 6 kids and   I had all studs,furing
> strips, sheet 
> rock.flooring, cabinets replaced. I used 40%
> peroxide cut down to 20% on my rafters then 
> had the dead mold taken off and primed the rafters.
> the engineers on follow up 
> studies were shocked at the results of no detection.
> I ozoned the air.put in 
> double uv lights in the air handler,added a house
> dehumidifier. Alot of work, 
> scams, anguish and cost. No one thought it was
> possible but miracles do happen! 
> **************************************
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