It is a somewhat derogatory term applied to those small power supplies you plug into the wall to power and or charge things like cell phones. Some are transformers, putting out 24 or so volts AC, but most have a diode bridge in them and a filtering capacitor to supply DC.


faith gagne wrote:
What on earth is a wall wart?

Faith G

----- Original Message ----- From: "Clayton Family" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 5:27 PM
Subject: CS>what did I do wrong?

Dear Esteemed and Learned List Members,

I was fooling around with a wall wart that is listed as 24V and 500mA, and had it hooked up in series with my radioshack multimeter. It tested as 30.6V, and after I switched it to mA, the meter failed. Now it just reads micro volts and won't read anything else. Dang! Maybe I had it on micro amps instead of milliamps, and would that break it?

I need another multimeter! But I don't want to just turn around and break this one too.



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