On Wednesday 26 December 2007 7:03 pm, Hanneke wrote:
> On another list, one of the members was given some suggestions for
> dealing with shingles.  Amongst the many suggestions was colloidal silver.
> As was to be expected, the blue man  was brought into it, and one
> contributor  sent a response, basically condemning using  any home
> made CS/EIS but the one promoted in the link she provided.  Silver
> Shield.  There are a few other things in her response that don't
> quite gel with me but I don't feel knowledgeable enough to respond on
> the technical parts she refers to.
> I looked through the silver-colloids.com  website but can't see this
> product  mentioned on that page at all. Am Ioverlooking it?
> Any input would be appreciated as I would like to  respond to her
> post for the benefit of other members of the group.
> Thanks all
> Hanneke
Hi Hanneke

I'll try to respond to the different parts of your post separately.

There is a product report on a product called "Silver Shield" on the 
commercial products reports page of the Silver Colloids site however it is 
NOT the product being referred to in the post you quoted. You can find the 
report at:
This product is made by a company called "Silver Mountain" who claims to have 
a trademark on the name "Silver Shield" 

The product your quoted poster is talking about is produced by a company 
called "Natures Sunshine" It is however called "Silver Shield", I wonder how 
they get around the trademark? You can find the company website's page on 
this product at:

Here is a link to another site offering "silverShield" This is again affering 
the one from "Natures Sunshine". It has a good deal more information or 
rather disinformation about the product.
> This is the text of the post:
> At 12:56 AM 27/12/2007, you wrote:
> >Doug and to all of you who obviously did not see on TV the man who
> >used colloidal silver and whose skin is now a blue/gray (called
> >argyria).    This is a permanent color due to the colloidal silver
> >you are posting to make.   I have been saying this all along - DO
> >NOT MAKE YOUR OWN.    Do not use colloidal silver without the sol
> >technology.     You must stop telling people to use silver without
> >the sol technology.    You are trying to save money at the expense
> >of people's health.
> >The difference is that the colloidal silver w/o the sol technology
> >is an ionic silver which acts with the hydrochloric acid in the
> >stomach to form insoluble silver salts, which can deposit in the
> >body causing the argyria which is a condition that causes a
> >blue/gray discoloration of the skin and inner eyelid inflammation)
> >which is permanent.    This colloidal is not clear.
> >
> >Silver Shield which is a sol technology is a true colloidal silver
> >containing tiny nano particles of metallic silver, not silver
> >ions.   It is clear and will not cloud when table salt is added and
> >it does not deteriorate when exposed to light and does not need to
> >be stored in blue or amber glass containers.   It is not affected by
> >the hydrochloric acid, does not combine with other elements and can
> >be circulated through the bloodstream to kill pathogens.   It is
> >easily eliminated from the system and will not build up in the body.
> >It is 14 ppm and is made by using 10,000 electrovolts of current.
> >It is made in a controlled environment and is tested for consistency
> >and quality.    You can get it at www.mynsp.com/herbal
> >
> >This can be used for gum dieease, tooth declay, viruses, bacteria,
> >acne, shingles, yeast and fungi.

It is my opinion that this person is a shill. I say this for several reasons.

1- The post is filled with many false or uninformed statements I.E.  
disinformation stated with authority. This is often a good sign of a shill 

2- I believe anyone recommending one brand-name product and one brand-name 
product only to be a shill, unless of course there is no other existing 
similar product available. In this case there are many. This person even says 
Do not use any other product, home made or oTC.

In any event, this stuff sells for $31 for four ounces. I think this is the 
highest price per ounce I've ever seen for a "colloidal silver" product. This 
can only be a rip off. By the time one buys four or five bottles of this 
stuff, one could have bought a high quality generator and have high quality 
EIS for the rest of their lives for little more than the cost of distilled 
Registered linux user # 280295
Associate member #4758 of The Free Software Foundation

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