I was actually going to suggest that maybe some of the really
silver-knowledgeable people on this list could  write to him or the media,
to offer advice.  Also to set them on the right track as far as silver is
concerned.  It seems to me that always the bad side of things gets media
coverage; never the good.  Dee 

-------Original Message-------
Yep, I bet this is from the early "3-nines and a pinch of salt" recipe.
The story mentions him starting to use CS 14 years ago. There wasn't
any other method used back then, was there? When I joined back in '97
some people here were already encouraging the no-salt, distilled water
only method, while many vendors and other silver advocates persisted in
recommending salt.
I spent the first year or so making it with salt, but changed to the no
salt method after seeing all the silver that was precipitating out in
the bottom of my dark blue storage bottle. I probably ingested more
silver in that first year or two while I experimented with making more
concentrated preparations than I have in all the years since, combined.
Now we know that CS made with pure water and silver, low current, and
only a few ppm, is just as useful as anything more concentrated, and
there's next to no possibility of ingesting enough silver that way to
overwhelm the body's excretion mechanisms.
In the event that you need to use CS more aggressively over a long
time, it may be a good idea to supplement with modest doses of Vitamin
E and Selenium to make sure the excretory mechanism for metals like
silver is fully supported.
It should not be hard to dig up contact information for this fellow. He
needs a pointer to the remediation protocol for argyria that Jason
Eaton and others have been documenting.
Be well,
Mike D.
