Although it is supposedly excellent, everything I have read about using  
Bloodroot for the soft tissue area warns to use with great precaution as it can 
be extremely harsh on the mouths gum tissue.  It's usually used  with 
proprietary blends that have other herbs and it is never used alone.   I do 
believe it is one of the main ingredients for the Black Cancer Salve. And if 
anyone has read about that salve, it leaves holes in the tissue. 

bbanever <> wrote: I too think Bloodroot might do the 
trick, the problem is how to apply it and 
have it stay in place long enough for the herb to penetrate and destroy the 
pathogens.  A person would be more apt to swallow it too soon I would think.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jonathan B. Britten" 
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2007 9:50 PM
Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: CS>Root Canals

>I have one question about this:  might it not be possible to deal with  the 
>problem without pulling teeth?
> One view on this is that there is no way to do so.  I find this line of 
> thinking inflexible.   Most mainline MDs claim that only surgery and 
> radiation can treat cancer, and many of us know this is not true.   If 
> some herbal therapies can selectively attack cancers, why not dental 
> infections?

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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