Hello All,

     I had an occasion to use MMS just a few days ago for a jaw infection that 
started about a week before in the root or base of my tongue.  Don't know what 
brought it on as I'm in good health, but after a week or so it spread to my 
jaw, left side.  No teeth were involved.  I'm not keen on antibiotics and I'm 
sure if I had gone to a MD that's what would have been prescribed as it was 
quite painful.  I started myself on MMS, 5 drops mixed with lemon juice first 
dose, 6 drops two hours later.  Went to bed still with pain.  Woke up the next 
morning with the pain 70% less... I was ecstatic.  Dosed myself with 6 drops, 
then 7 drops 4 hours later.  It's now approx 8PM and my pain is completely 
gone.  This stuff is AMAZING!

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Carol Ann 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 5:47 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>MMs hoax or cure?

  What is proof?  Einstein himself declined to answer that question with 
specificity.   Max Planck, a noted physicist said......
  "new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making 
them see the light; but rather, because it opponents eventually die and a new 
generation grows up that is familiar with it"........

  MMS either works, or it doesn't. If it doesn't the person current state of 
health may not require it - presumption is that health is good.  This is what 
is called clinical observation. 
  Seems to me we have one of the best clinical observations occurring right 
here, and elsewhere, on other MMS forums.  Some responses have been excellent, 
if not extraordinary when all else has failed,  some mediocre, some subtle and 
uneventful.  No double blind studies, everyone is an equal opportunity 

  No profit driven scientific entity is going to do double blind studies on a 
.50 cent substance to provide "proof" one way or another.  

  sol <sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com> wrote:
    Well, all the remarks made about how great it is sound like 
    unsubstantiated statements to me.
    Viewpoint is everything. I'll check back in on MMS in 5 years or so, and 
    see how users are doing.
    Until then, it is just chlorine to me, and not anything I want to put in 
    my body.

    Stephen Rose wrote:
    > I'm sorry, this is not a viewpoint. It's just a bunch of 
    > unsubstantiated statements. I suppose it could be the result of a 
    > viewpoint. This person has obviously done no research or had any 
    > personal experience. You should take it for what it's worth.

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  Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..

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