Kind of makes you wonder what all those guillotines are for? Great post Nancy!

Tad Winiecki <> wrote:
On Jan 14, 2008, at 5:37 AM, Carol Ann wrote:

> Heck, IF information contained within the body of your post is true 
> and accurate, .....even I would join a christian movement....providing 
> they made this   their primary opposition objective and crusade as 
> opposed to trying to convert the word to christianity..

Carol Ann- You are probably aware the Bible predicts in the book of 
Revelation that under the Anti-Christ a mark in the forehead or hand 
will be necessary to buy or sell. Many think this could be a 
micro-chip. Those who refuse will come under harsh repercussions. 
Those who refuse to worship the Anti-Christ and take the mark of the 
Beast will be beheaded (but will be instantly in the presence of God in 
Heaven). Those who take the mark will have at most 7 years left, 
probably just 3 1/2 years, and suffer terrible things on the earth- 
sores that won't heal, scorpions that sting, but don't kill, the oceans 
and fresh water becoming like blood, all the grass and trees burned up 
in scorching heat, winds that cause men to die just from fear, (all the 
natural disasters being brought on my man himself) then be cast into 
the Lake of Fire. Some choice.

Some Christians believe the Church (body of believers in Messiah 
Yeshua, Jesus) will have been removed from the earth before the 
Tribulation begins and the Anti-Christ is revealed; this is the hope 
of the Rapture, when the dead in Christ will come out of their graves 
and the living will be transformed instantly into incorruptible bodies 
and will join them in the air. Jesus says that those who are worthy 
and watching for His return will not have to go through wrath, Luke 
21:36, and also tells the parable of 10 virgins awaiting the return of 
Bridegroom to take them to the wedding party, 5 of which are left 
behind because they have no oil (the Holy Spirit) in their lamps, and 5 
which go to the wedding party because they are prepared and watching , 
Matthew 25:1-13. Some believe in the Rapture at the start of the 7 
year Tribulation, some mid-Trib, some just as Jesus returns to rescue 
the Jews from the final destruction by the Anti-Christ and to set up 
His Kingdom on the earth. Some don't believe in the Rapture at all. 
The Word is there, people have opinions. There is still only one 

Under the pre-Trib view, being a Christian would spare you from the 
whole Tribulation woes, but not from the wars and rumors of wars, 
increasing earthquakes, and conquest of the whole earth (4 Horsemen of 
the Apocalypse) to create a One World government under 10 kings, marked 
by war, famine, and disease. So, let's see, being a Christian doesn't 
mean freedom from persecution, war and disease in this world but 
guarantees being in the presence of God and a total lack of all these 
things in Heaven, but someone who believes this should keep it to 
themselves and not try to take anyone with them? Wouldn't this make 
them monsters?

I should tell you that true Christians are not the ones that make the 
headlines, the ones who bomb abortion clinics, and are big on 
condemnation. We are actually called to reconcile the world with God 
and tell people that He is not holding their sins against them, they've 
already been paid. Colossians 1:20, 2 Corinthians 5:18-19


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