Gwlynda and David Irek wrote:
Please correct me if I am wrong....CS does not kill parasites - MMS does
kill parasites. Should I be giving my dogs MMS for parasites and CS for
bacteria, fungus and yeast?
Makes sense to me.

Gwlynda Irek, Country Ridge Bulldogs
Educational Program Coordinator
Members of:
Bulldog Club of America
Lone Star Bulldog Club
Nothing new will come into your life unless you are grateful for what you have..
-----Original Message-----
From: Marshall Dudley [] Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>MMs hoax or cure?

sol wrote:
What exactly do you feel the MMS does that CS cannot do? This is where I don't quite get it. I read of people using it for many things that CS or CS/DMSO take care of perfectly well. Why would I use MMS in preference to CS?

There is certainly a lot of overlap between the two. But there are a couple of things the AMMS might do better than CS. First is kill parasites, normally CS has no affect on them at all. Also there are areas that AMMS might be able to get into that CS has trouble, such as nerve ganglia, the brain, cartlidges, joints and the lymph system.


His Child wrote:
 I'm taking MMS now and have not been able
to feel this good in many years.  I slept only 4 hours
last night like a baby and did NOT get any tired
letdown feeling all the next day.  I've been taking
MMS for a couple of weeks now, and it's a powerful (be
careful of not overdoing it) but great health aid.

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