Morning Wayne,

You seem to have equated intelligence with education.  This is not
correct.  That is why your country boy could beat the college boy.  If
the country boy went to college he could still beat the other college
boy, no doubt...

Much of what you refer to is a function of memory.  I could be a killer
chess player if I could remember the first moves by the time I got thru
analyzing the final ones...  I have a problem with short term memory, I
have to live with it.  It affects functionality in some degree, not
intelligence, per se - depends on your definitions.

Carlos Castaneda had an interesting view of memory.  He believed that
memory is a function of one's "assemblage point."  The assemblage point
being the "position" from which your consciousness assembles reality
(which might be thought of as similar one's point of view - but more
fundamental than that).  Anything experienced at one position is
accessible if you attain that position again, and if you move off that
position to a new position it is not accessible.  Most people maintain a
relatively fixed position so memory is accessible.  Mine tends to drift
continually...  I don't expect you to follow that, (so much for
controlled folly)...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wayne Fugitt [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 11:52 PM
> To:
> Subject: CS>MMS hoax or cure? In the Brain or NOT ?
> Evening Carol Ann,
>  >> At 10:52 PM 1/15/2008, you wrote:
> >the brain blood barrier.
> >  I am suspecting, that MMS does make the transfer because 
> of the many  
> >reports stating the general feeling of well being, some 
> bordering on euphoria.
>    Lots of ways that could happen without it getting into the brain.
>    I don't believe it gets into my brain, in any shape, form 
> or fashion.
>    Reason being, ....... I would know it if it does.
> Nothing in the body is controlled to the degree as the brain 
> chemistry.  Many things will not be used by the brain, 
> ........ unless they are made in the brain.
> The brain knows exactly what it needs, and generally that is all it 
> tolerates.   The brain has functioned thousands of years 
> without some of 
> these foreign chemicals and things we dump into our bodies.
> Of course I know my brain better than many people do.
> I have seen it do amazing things, that amazed even me.
> I have witnessed it do searches much like a fast computer 
> searches a huge indexed database.  It all happened in a 
> second, or maybe less, ......... 
> and came up with the exact right answer.  Yes, I used the 
> answer on the spot to solve a technical problem.
> I stood there and thought,  "What is the world is happening" ?
> Also, have seen it remember a complete chess game and a 
> relatively complex programs and schedules, ........ this 
> amazed me also.
> ( this was without any effort on my part, did not intend to 
> do it, did not even want to remember it ) The key is having 
> many Domains created in the brain.
> The brain can function after many hours without sleep, 24, 
> 36, 40, and more.  This is determined by energy, 
> electrolytes, minerals, and other things, often beyond our 
> normal control.
> One does not have to be a genius to have a highly functional 
> brain.  Often one with much lower intelligence can outperform 
> one with a much higher intelligence.
> I have seen this happen many times.
> A country boy that did not finish high school can beat the 
> socks off a college graduate on the IBM logic test. I have 
> seen it happen too many times.
> Intelligence does not guarantee a highly functional brain.
> I could tell lots of stories about the historical Chess  
> Masters of the past.
> Consider this, ......... one great chess master after playing 
> chess for a relatively short time.
> could play,
> Ten boards of Chess on the right,  Ten boards of checkers on 
> the left, ........ behind him not seeing the boards, while 
> playing a perfect hand of bridge at the same time.
> Take a lunch break, and he could call up all board to the 
> current position, ....... from memory.
> Was that Brain Function or What ?
> I have studied Brain Nutrients a bit also.  Feed the critter 
> right and it will reward you in amazing ways.
> As I get older, the response time a little slower.  Can't 
> tell you the exact mili seconds, I wish I could.
> Wayne
> =====================

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