I believe it was silver citrate that this claim was made about.


Tad Winiecki wrote:

-----Original Message-----
From: Wayne Fugitt [mailto:cwa...@netdoor.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 11:52 PM

Consider this, ......... one great chess master after playing chess for a relatively short time. could play, Ten boards of Chess on the right, Ten boards of checkers on the left, ........ behind him not seeing the boards, while playing a perfect hand of bridge at the same time.

Take a lunch break, and he could call up all board to the current position, ....... from memory.

Evening, Wayne. Reminds me of the the idiot-savant, someone like the Rain Man with damage to parts of the brain but extraordinary ability with parts of the remaining brain, like the ability to do complex mathematical computations in his mind. Or Down's syndrome people with remarkable spiritual or artistic abilities.

I recall reading on this list that CS combined with either citric acid or acetic acid could cross the blood-brain barrier and that this was a bad thing. Does someone remember which one it was?


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