At least Mr. B. has stopped drinking and smoking pot. Or so it is rumored. I saw our president speaking on tv to an elderly woman who told him she is working 3 jobs to survive. His laughing response was: "When do you find time to sleep?" Do you suppose he slipped her five on the side? Oh no, he couldn't have. He doesn't carry cash.

How come you get to post such loooooooonnnnnnggggg posts?

Faith G.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ode Coyote" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 9:58 AM
Subject: RE: CS>FDA Announces Plan to Eliminate Vitamin Companies

At 07:30 AM 1/21/2008 -0800, you wrote:

Ode Coyote <> wrote:

>>Bush takes blame without protest.

Yup, and so must the serial killer or embezzler when all evidence proves him guilty. It's rare that there aren't more key players involved in embezzlement schemes. The old guard Mafia always took care of the paisans who took the heat and protected the family.

>I've not seen him point a finger to those who really did the screwing
>up...not that he's never screwed up. [EVERYBODY screws up ]


>People place all the power on his head making him king.
>If a king isn't perfect, he must be evil.
>Then when he doesn't have that power, he gets the blame and the >Label.

>BAD king!

YES. BAD KING!! BAD DOG! when it's had training yet still poops on the floor, as if it didn't. . It's just they way it is........the crown comes with thorns for those aggressively lobby to wear it. ## There are an awful lot of people who will poop on a floor and point to the dog. Some messes are so crusty and old that the dog can't lick them up... and finding the original pooper leads to a grave yard somewhere. Can't make a dead person clean up anything.

Getting someone else to admit a mistake is rarely relevant to solutions to problems, but people who focus on fault over solutions cannot see that, so who-so-ever that doesn't engage in the blame game appears guilty...and if the problem is difficult to solve, incompetent.
GWB is a "problem solver" mentality.
How good he is at is debatable...but it is clear that he regularly accepts responsibility that blamers hand him without complaint. He may or may not be a dim bulb, but the fellow does have "class" [not much polish ] He's been handed some really BIG problems that others have ignored for decades upon decades, because they ARE REALLY BIG PROBLEMS. Sure, someone else may have handled them better, but I seriously doubt that any of them would not have made some serious mistakes when facing such catch 22 style situations where there's just no way to win.

OF COURSE he's damned. It's a *damned if you do and damned if you don't* situation and GWB waded right on in. That's "class". OF COURSE he doesn't know what he's doing. If anyone knew, there would not have been a problem. OF COURSE no one else gets the blame for those problems...they "avoided" them. The turkeys just flew out of the alligator pond leaving it for the next turkey.
 But GWB didn't, so he's stupid.
Well, he does "look" stupid, but looks can also be deceiving.
Hard to say, but it took a lot of "smart looking" people to pile those problems up so high by stepping around them for so long. So, while pointing blame fingers will make someone appear smart, it doesn't solve any problems, therefore, only someone willing to look stupid will even attempt the job. Enter GWB ....looking like a stupid turkey, standing in the midst of an ocean of evasive alligators looking smart with all those pointy fingers. Only time will tell that whole story, but there's an old fable about the country bumpkin lawyer in "overhauls" pulling the pants off the city slicker lawyer whos' been lulled into believing his opponent is an idiot.

That would be a Texan tradition...... where it's not at all rare to get cut to ribbons by what "looks like" a dull blade.
One cannot judge a Texan by his dung covert cover -alls.
Remember who GWBs daddy is and what secrets he might know that nearly no one else in the entire world does. GWB doesn't HAVE to be smart, just there looking dumb, a distraction...a fall guy running an apparent show while the real show runs in a darker screening room full of spooks.
 It could well be that only his job is TO take blame.
 Remember how he got elected the first time?  Rats in closets anyone?
You suppose that *no one* was aware of potentials growing for decades?

 You can't see SPOOKS.  If you can, they aren't good spooks.
I'll bet this movie has a really twisty sub *sub* that we may never even hear that it existed. If you do see spooks, they were placed there for you to see so you won't see spooks.

A "population" rarely has a clue and it ***doesn't want one***...but all-ways believes it does on both counts. OF COURSE it will be "gone around" using that very desire as the means to go around it.

If an enemy is scattered all over the place, the only way to fight it is to attract it to a location using like kinds. [Birds and feathers priciple] "Iraq is the geographic center of the war on terror" A direct quote from stupid ole GWB that says nothing about who or where terrorists are.
 It makes for an easy commute and that's exactly what happened.  DUMB????
 Almost 4,000 dead in Iraq in 6 years?.  That's bad!

Hitler, taken down too late, took that many lives in a single hour.

Iraqis are beginning to get the idea that terrorists are not their friends and are starting to clean them out as a common enemy that slowly binds opposing peoples together in their own style....DUMB??? OF COURSE it's slow going to turn a freight train carrying a couple thousand years of luggage. That steering wheel is way rusty.

Does Bin laden actually work for the same people that the CIA ....DOESN'T.... know they work for? Maybe. We'll never know. Does HE know? Not likely. But it's clear that he wanted to blow something up.

 3,000 dead in a couple of towers Armageddon.
"We" didn't do it, just predicted it as inevitable. These towers or those, doesn't matter...the stage is set.

Human reaction.."Kick some ass and we don't care whos" Perfect opportunity.
 Congress overwhelmingly approves.  Knee jerks. Predictable.  Stage set.
Saddam, you are a bad guy, now go be the right bad guy like you want to be. Here's a line to over step. Good bad guy! [We knew you wouldn't stay in a cage, you've been rattling it for years... so take "this" door out of it whenever you are good and Predictable. ] Were there WMDs? Yes. How do you know? Look at the receipts and the factories that are made to look like something else. Where did they go? Doesn't matter right now, but Syria has them to cause their demise when the time is right. Probability is decent they'll be used on Iran when Syria gets tired of being bullied. The trigger is already there in what THEY want Saddam would never destroy his keys to power...he'll make a deal. Uncontrollable, but Predictable within a close range of probabilities.

"Power OVER" is predictable within a range of probabilities, thus can be played against itself. [El Ron Hubbard and Robert Anton Wilson etc. ] It has come time for "Power Over" to end or the entire planet will roast. "We".... live here too.

"Populations" are easily manipulated. That's how they get on those freight trains to start with. Time to start appointing engineers. Mohammed created the Crusades and that won't wash in the future.
Time to start an America concept.
The American population is on it's OWN freight train being slowly turned away from oil.

If any, anywhere, have any idea what they're doing or why anything gets done, I'd be amazed. Go right ahead and point fingers and believe you know anything you want to believe you know. That's your job.
 I'll wait and watch.

If GWB really is an idiot, he's the perfect idiot and isn't "really" running anything. His job is "target", he's doing it brilliantly and so are you doing yours...damned if you do and damned if you don' way to not be part of solutions.
Spooks know what a "useful fool" is.  Count on it.
 Spooks are masters of dis-information and mis-direction.
Anything *you* ""want"" can be used to accomplish something you never thought of.
Want a target?  Here, have a target...meanwhile,  back at DeRanch...

 People with desires are predictable.

Are we ALL being conned?
 Left alone, we'd ALL be dead in a decade.

The truth of the matter is that it's "populations" that are stupid and blind...all of them. No population has the guts or brains to look at itself critically. They ALL point "up" or at each other.
 There isn't anywhere you can actually "look" and not see it going on.
"Human nature"

God bless our innocent little hearts... { Standard traditional Southern insult disclaimer thanx to Jeff Foxworthy}

Who is deranged?

ANY body, any day of the week. Until they get the verification, affirmation that they aren't from some higher "authority". HA HA.

....while never seeing the *actual* higher authority that has better sense than to affirm anything, as a derangement is being used as a tool. In the land of the blind, a one eyed man can quite easily hide. [Remember that all seeing eye on that dollar bill. ]
Buildings have no idea what builders are doing.
One single level of intellect down cannot conceive of how that next level up thinks, but can conceive that it can't conceive. Two levels down doesn't have any idea that there IS any level, that its' NOT conceiving. The Bell Curve insures that there are intellects far beyond what the average even can begin to understand exists...and that's just "humans"

There are not and never have been "just humans" on this planet.
I've run into a few and it's not very comfortable to know that I have NO IDEA how dumb I am...but it IS pretty darned obvious that I'll never know. I've met many " Humans being people" that I know I'll never be able to comprehend even the most mundane tail wag of that dog.

Who are these "beings" ?
My best guess is that it's *us* in our own far flung future of realization that time is simultaneous being experienced "AS linear", not REALLY linear as we believe it is, having been CON-vinced BY ourselves by experiencing it that way. When you know how EASY it is to fool yourself, then you'll have an "inkling" of how much you can't know about how well you ARE fooling yourself. If there is that window into time and probability ....and our descendants want to be born..... how hard would it be to arrange those probabilities using chosen free wills?

No one who wants anything and is willing to take it, will ever know who they work for.
So long as they get what they want, they'll never even ask.
 So long as there are ANY sides, all the sides are "ours"
 A devious mind with desires has no idea what devious is.
It can only see itself though it's own blinders while denying the existence of blinders.
It can do nothing BUT fool itself.
Call it "The Protocals of Humanity" [The Zionist thing was just an amateurish attempt to make a poor copy stuck to some "side" ] [El Ron Hubbard and Robert Anton Wilson etc...they saw it and said it. Read what they wrote before they wrote the bullshit that defeats it. ]

LOL  That said, forget everything I just said..
 It ain't true because it never mind.
Keep right on telling miracles what they should look like.
Yea, GWB is stupid and no one else is.
He may even be dumb enough to know how dumb he can't know he anything that CAN be said about him, is true and he'll take the blame.....just like he does.
It's his job.

The Coyote is the symbol for fool dog, teaching himself by making never ending mustakes to find his own tail. The Coyote KNOWS he's a total fool and does dumb things just so he can laugh at himself in surprise. Believe it or not, a coyote taught me that. It took him YEARS to teach me that he was smarter than I could even know, in ways I'd never understand. I'd give him a banana and he'd peel it, then eat the peel and laugh....."and they call me mellow yellow".
 Shaman puppy.

We always succeed, now, what the Hell are we doing?
 Don't know, but think you do?

Situation Not Always Fucked Up, despite appearances as defined by those who believe they know what it is.

Hey.  I'm ALWAYS wrong.
Don't you think you are too?

.....maybe not listening to ourselves is a grand idea.


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