while i agree with Ode's analysis almost 100%, i have to go more with the
image of an organ grinders smirking chimp, and cheney as a sneering organ
grinder.  the smirk and the sneer.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: bbanever [mailto:bbane...@earthlink.net]
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 10:59 AM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: Re: CS>FDA Announces Plan to Eliminate Vitamin Companies
> Ode,
>     Sorry ole buddy, but if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck,...
> well he's a duck.  The all time WORST duck in the history of this great
> country I might add.
>    Cheers.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Ode Coyote" <odecoy...@alltel.net>
> To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 6:58 AM
> Subject: RE: CS>FDA Announces Plan to Eliminate Vitamin Companies
> > At 07:30 AM 1/21/2008 -0800, you wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> >>Ode Coyote <odecoy...@alltel.net> wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> >>Bush takes blame without protest.
> >>>
> >>>Yup, and so must the serial killer or embezzler  when all
> evidence proves
> >>>him guilty.  It's rare that there aren't more key players involved in
> >>>embezzlement schemes. The old guard Mafia always took care of
> the paisans
> >>>who took the heat and protected the family.
> >>>
> >>> >I've not seen him point a finger to those who really did the screwing
> >>> >up...not that he's never screwed up. [EVERYBODY screws up ]
> >>>
> >>>Amazing.
> >>>
> >>> >People place all the power on his head making him king.
> >>> >If a king isn't perfect, he must be evil.
> >>> >Then when he doesn't have that power, he gets the blame and
> the >Label.
> >>>
> >>> >BAD king!
> >>>
> >>>YES. BAD KING!!  BAD DOG! when it's had training yet still
> poops on the
> >>>floor, as if it didn't. .  It's just they way it is........the crown
> >>>comes with thorns for those aggressively lobby to wear it.
> >>>##  There are an awful lot of people who will poop on a floor
> and point
> >>>to the dog. Some messes are so crusty and old that the dog can't lick
> >>>them up... and finding the original pooper leads to a grave yard
> >>>somewhere.  Can't make a dead person clean up anything.
> >
> >  Getting someone else to admit a mistake is rarely relevant to
> solutions
> > to problems, but people who focus on fault over solutions
> cannot see that,
> > so who-so-ever that doesn't engage in the blame game appears
> guilty...and
> > if the problem is difficult to solve, incompetent.
> > GWB is a "problem solver" mentality.
> >  How good he is at is debatable...but it is clear that he regularly
> > accepts responsibility that blamers hand him without complaint.
> >  He may or may not be a dim bulb, but the fellow does have "class" [not
> > much polish ]
> >  He's been handed some really BIG problems that others have ignored for
> > decades upon decades, because they ARE REALLY BIG PROBLEMS.
> > Sure, someone else may have handled them better, but I seriously doubt
> > that any of them would not have made some serious mistakes when facing
> > such catch 22 style situations where there's just no way to win.
> >
> > OF COURSE he's damned.  It's a *damned if you do and damned if
> you don't*
> > situation and GWB waded right on in.  That's "class".
> > OF COURSE he doesn't know what he's doing.   If anyone knew,
> there would
> > not have been a problem.
> > OF COURSE no one else gets the blame for those problems...they
> "avoided"
> > them. The turkeys just flew out of the alligator pond leaving
> it for the
> > next turkey.
> >  But GWB didn't, so he's stupid.
> > Well, he does "look" stupid, but looks can also be deceiving.
> > Hard to say, but it took a lot of "smart looking" people to pile those
> > problems up so high by stepping around them for so long.
> > So, while pointing blame fingers will make someone appear smart, it
> > doesn't solve any problems, therefore, only someone willing to
> look stupid
> > will even attempt the job.
> > Enter GWB ....looking like a stupid turkey, standing in the midst of an
> > ocean of evasive alligators looking smart with all those pointy fingers.
> > Only time will tell that whole story, but there's an old fable
> about the
> > country bumpkin lawyer in "overhauls" pulling the pants off the city
> > slicker lawyer whos' been lulled into believing his opponent is
> an idiot.
> >
> > That would be a Texan tradition...... where it's not at all rare to get
> > cut to ribbons by what "looks like" a dull blade.
> > One cannot judge a Texan by his dung covert cover -alls.
> >  Remember who GWBs daddy is and what secrets he might know that
> nearly no
> > one else in the entire world does.
> > GWB doesn't HAVE to be smart, just there looking dumb, a
> distraction...a
> > fall guy running an apparent show while the real show runs in a darker
> > screening room full of spooks.
> >  It could well be that only his job is TO take blame.
> >  Remember how he got elected the first time?  Rats in closets anyone?
> > You suppose that *no one* was aware of potentials growing for decades?
> >
> >  You can't see SPOOKS.  If you can, they aren't good spooks.
> > I'll bet this movie has a really twisty sub plot...so *sub* that we may
> > never even hear that it existed.
> > If you do see spooks, they were placed there for you to see so
> you won't
> > see spooks.
> >
> > A "population" rarely has a clue and it ***doesn't want one***...but
> > all-ways believes it does on both counts.
> >     OF COURSE it will be "gone around" using that very desire
> as the means
> > to go around it.
> >
> >
> > If an enemy is scattered all over the place, the only way to
> fight it is
> > to attract it to a location using like kinds. [Birds and feathers
> > priciple]
> > "Iraq is the geographic center of the war on terror"  A direct
> quote from
> > stupid ole GWB that says nothing about who or where terrorists are.
> >  It makes for an easy commute and that's exactly what happened.
>  DUMB????
> >  Almost 4,000 dead in Iraq in 6 years?.  That's bad!
> >
> > Hitler, taken down too late, took that many lives in a single hour.
> > DUMB???
> >
> > Iraqis are beginning to get the idea that terrorists are not
> their friends
> > and are starting to clean them out as a common enemy that slowly binds
> > opposing peoples together in their own style....DUMB???
> > OF COURSE it's slow going to turn a freight train carrying a couple
> > thousand years of luggage.  That steering wheel is way rusty.
> >
> > Does Bin laden actually work for the same people that the CIA
> > ....DOESN'T.... know they work for?  Maybe.  We'll never know.  Does HE
> > know?  Not likely.  But it's clear that he wanted to blow something up.
> >
> >  3,000 dead in a couple of towers .....beats Armageddon.
> > "We" didn't do it, just predicted it as inevitable. These
> towers or those,
> > doesn't matter...the stage is set.
> >
> >  Human reaction.."Kick some ass and we don't care whos"  Perfect
> > opportunity.
> >  Congress overwhelmingly approves.  Knee jerks. Predictable.  Stage set.
> >  Saddam, you are a bad guy, now go be the right bad guy like
> you want to
> > be.  Here's a line to over step.  Good bad guy! [We knew you
> wouldn't stay
> > in a cage, you've been rattling it for years... so take "this"
> door out of
> > it whenever you are good and ready....3....2....1...zero.
> Predictable. ]
> >  Were there WMDs?  Yes.  How do you know?  Look at the receipts and the
> > factories that are made to look like something else.  Where did
> they go?
> > Doesn't matter right now, but Syria has them to cause their demise when
> > the time is right. Probability is decent they'll be used on Iran when
> > Syria gets tired of being bullied.  The trigger is already
> there in what
> > THEY want ...3...2...1..zero.
> >  Saddam would never destroy his keys to power...he'll make a deal.
> > Uncontrollable, but Predictable within a close range of probabilities.
> >
> > "Power OVER" is predictable within a range of probabilities,
> thus can be
> > played against itself.  [El Ron Hubbard and Robert Anton Wilson etc. ]
> > It has come time for "Power Over" to end or the entire planet
> will roast.
> > "We".... live here too.
> >
> > "Populations" are easily manipulated. That's how they get on
> those freight
> > trains to start with.
> >  Time to start appointing engineers. Mohammed created the Crusades and
> > that won't wash in the future.
> > Time to start an America concept.
> > The American population is on it's OWN freight train being
> slowly turned
> > away from oil.
> >
> >  If any, anywhere, have any idea what they're doing or why
> anything gets
> > done, I'd be amazed.
> > Go right ahead and point fingers and believe you know anything
> you want to
> > believe you know.  That's your job.
> >  I'll wait and watch.
> >
> > If GWB really is an idiot, he's the perfect idiot and isn't "really"
> > running anything.
> >  His job is "target"..so, he's doing it brilliantly and so are
> you doing
> > yours...damned if you do and damned  if you don't...no way to
> not be part
> > of solutions.
> > Spooks know what a "useful fool" is.  Count on it.
> >  Spooks are masters of dis-information and mis-direction.
> >  Anything *you*  ""want""  can be used to accomplish something
> you never
> > thought of.
> > Want a target?  Here, have a target...meanwhile,  back at DeRanch...
> >
> >  People with desires are predictable.
> >
> > Are we ALL being conned?
> >  Left alone, we'd ALL be dead in a decade.
> >
> > The truth of the matter is that it's "populations" that are stupid and
> > blind...all of them.
> > No population has the guts or brains to look at itself
> critically.  They
> > ALL point "up" or at each other.
> >  There isn't anywhere you can actually "look" and not see it going on.
> > "Human nature"
> >
> > God bless our innocent little hearts...    {  Standard traditional
> > Southern insult disclaimer thanx to Jeff Foxworthy}
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >>>Who is deranged?
> >>>
> >>>ANY body, any day of the week. Until they get the verification,
> >>>affirmation that they aren't from some higher "authority".  HA HA.
> >
> > ....while never seeing the *actual* higher authority that has
> better sense
> > than to affirm anything, as a derangement is being used as a tool.
> > In the land of the blind, a one eyed man can quite easily hide.
> [Remember
> > that all seeing eye on that dollar bill. ]
> > Buildings have no idea what builders are doing.
> > One single level of intellect down cannot conceive of how that
> next level
> > up thinks, but can conceive that it can't conceive.
> >  Two levels down doesn't have any idea that there IS any level,
> that its'
> > NOT conceiving.
> >  The Bell Curve insures that there are intellects far beyond what the
> > average even can begin to understand exists...and that's just "humans"
> >
> > There are not and never have been "just humans" on this planet.
> >  I've run into a few and it's not very comfortable to know that
> I have NO
> > IDEA how dumb I am...but it IS pretty darned obvious that I'll
> never know.
> > I've met many " Humans being people"  that I know I'll never be able to
> > comprehend even the most mundane tail wag of that dog.
> >
> > Who are these "beings" ?
> >  My best guess is that it's *us* in our own far flung future of
> > realization that time is simultaneous being experienced "AS
> linear", not
> > REALLY linear as we believe it is,  having been CON-vinced BY
> ourselves by
> > experiencing it that way.
> >  When you know how EASY it is to fool yourself, then you'll have an
> > "inkling" of how much you can't know about how well you ARE fooling
> > yourself.
> >  If there is that window into time and probability ....and our
> descendants
> > want to be born..... how hard would it be to arrange those
> probabilities
> > using chosen free wills?
> >
> > No one who wants anything and is willing to take it, will ever know who
> > they work for.
> > So long as they get what they want, they'll never even ask.
> >  So long as there are ANY sides, all the sides are "ours"
> >  A devious mind with desires has no idea what devious is.
> >  It can only see itself though it's own blinders while denying the
> > existence of blinders.
> > It can do nothing BUT fool itself.
> >  Call it "The Protocals of Humanity" [The Zionist thing was just an
> > amateurish attempt to make a poor copy stuck to some "side" ]
> > [El Ron Hubbard and Robert Anton Wilson etc...they saw it and said it.
> > Read what they wrote before they wrote the bullshit that defeats it. ]
> >
> > LOL  That said, forget everything I just said..
> >  It ain't true because it is...so never mind.
> > Keep right on telling miracles what they should look like.
> > Yea, GWB is stupid and no one else is.
> > He may even be dumb enough to know how dumb he can't know he is...so
> > anything that CAN be said about him, is true and he'll take the
> > blame.....just like he does.
> > It's his job.
> >
> >  [Coyote]
> > The Coyote is the symbol for fool dog, teaching himself by making never
> > ending mustakes to find his own tail.
> >  The Coyote KNOWS he's a total fool and does dumb things just so he can
> > laugh at himself in surprise.
> >  Believe it or not, a coyote taught me that. It took him YEARS
> to teach me
> > that he was smarter than I could even know, in ways I'd never
> understand.
> > I'd give him a banana and he'd peel it, then eat the peel and
> > laugh....."and they call me mellow yellow".
> >  Shaman puppy.
> >
> > We always succeed, now, what the Hell are we doing?
> >  Don't know, but think you do?
> >
> > Situation Not Always Fucked Up, despite appearances as defined by those
> > who believe they know what it is.
> >
> > Hey.  I'm ALWAYS wrong.
> > Don't you think you are too?
> >
> > .....maybe not listening to ourselves is a grand idea.
> >
> > Ode
> >
> >
> > --
> > No virus found in this outgoing message.
> > Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database:
> 269.19.9/1237 - Release
> > Date: 1/22/2008
> >
> >
> >
> > --
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