Marshall Dudley wrote:
> You have it backwards.  The north pole of the magnet points north, and the 
> south
> pole of the magnet points south since the Earths magnetic North pole is 
> actually
> the south pole magnetically.  This is explained at
>  where it says:
> "We know the North Pole of a magnet is attracted
>  to the South Pole of another magnet. If the
>  North Pole of a magnet points towards the
>  earth’s North, the earth’s North must be a South
>  Pole. The earth is a giant magnet with its a South
>  Pole in its North, which makes a compass' (i.e.
>  magnet’s) North Pole points North."
Now I'm more confused than ever! The line "If the north pole of a magnet
points towards the earth's north"
assumes that I already know for a fact that it is indeed the north pole
of my magnet that is pointing north. I don't know this. I am, in fact,
trying to determine exactly this issue - which end points north?
Logically, it would seem that the end of the needle that points north is
the south, or positive magnetic end. Otherwise, we are left to conclude
that science misleadingly calls the earth's magnetic south pole the
North Pole. Feels weird to imagine all those elves up there, making toys
at the magnetic south pole.
Colin Yardley

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