Hydrangea will melt down the stones and magnesium to relax the ducts,
alkalize and prevent spasms.

On Feb 11, 2008 7:12 AM, chaha <ch...@tx.rr.com> wrote:

>  Hi, Lin,
> My female dog has a congenital stone problem that killed the father and
> sister.  I keep her clear by giving herbs daily.  They are: Uva Ursi - this
> is powerful, can not be used for long period of time, and may hurt the
> stomach so I get around that by giving two pills for two days a week, with
> one pepcid each time.  The rest of the week, I gave Echinacea - two pills
> once a day.  Have done this for three years and she has been absolutely
> clear.  My holistic vet says to keep it up.  I recently switched the
> Echinacea to Parsley to give her system a change - it's only been a couple
> of weeks but every thing is fine.  Doing an internet search you will find
> other herbs that are good for kidney stones.  I like the brand Natures Way
> and GAIA.
> Another thing to consider is learning more about magnesium, here's a
> wonderful article from Mercola. com.
> http://www.mercola.com/2004/aug/7/miracle_magnesium.htm
> Hope you find what works.
> Take care,
> Cindy