the Spectrum CO is what's available at Whole Foods mkt here, and that's been
my first and only experience so far with CO and i like it a lot.  so it gets
better?  good.
i've subscribed to a CO yahoogroup, and various makers (appears mostly to be
from the Philippines) have been very enlightening re the structure of the
nut, processes used, etc, and getting a bit tense between their claims and
arguments.  there's apparently a couple CO extractor companies that make it
for large distribution, and that gets brand labeled with no reference to
know the original source.

i'm just looking for the most stable and medicinally effective at the best
price.  at the link provided, CO Supreme in the 1 lb. bottle is approx the
same price as the Spectrum BEFORE shipping cost.

the CO Supreme is claimed to be rich in vit E.  i learned on the CO group
means the vit E is added as a stabilizer/preservative (which shouldn't be
needed) or the testa (brown layer the meat is attached to) is included
instead of separated from the meat, since the testa contains all the E
(which isn't much at all) and the meat contains hardly any.  there may be
medicinal/nutritional value from including the testa which could be
important, i don't know, but some of the makers think it important enough to
not include it to go to the extra expense of paring or grating it off and
getting the oil from only the white meat.  it seems vit E content isn't to
be included as a significant criteria for judging CO.

if warmed to liquefy and added to smoothie and blended, i would think that
when cold it would thicken it but wouldn't make it a clump unless you use a
whole lot.  i haven't tried it yet, but plan to.  it's nice in oatmeal...
melts in like butter.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Pat []
  Sent: Friday, February 22, 2008 8:57 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>coconut oil

  Although Tropical Traditions makes the best lip balm sticks ever and good
hand soap, I can't stand the taste or smell of their oil (but I haven't
bought any new in a couple years).  Spectrum brand was even worse (bought
that one before I knew what to look for).  Coconut Oil Supreme is so light
with none of that fermented or burned kind of taste.
  Another good one I've used was Fresh Shores from  I want to
use coconut oil, but other than a teaspoon every now and then, I can't think
of many ways to use it other than on my skin.  I can't cook with it because
husband doesn't like coconut's flavor.  I added some to bran muffins.  I
wondered about putting it in smoothies....since it gets so hard when cold,
wouldn't it just be a clump in the smoothie?
