You might want to look-up the side effects for all medication you are on 
including the Prilosec. You need to correct the condition that is causing the 
acid reflux instead. It could be caused by too little acid. If you are cold all 
the time you might have low Thyroid. It sounds like you need a new doctor that 
uses holistic medicine. Brittle bones,-you need supplements!
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Scott 
  To: Silver List 
  Sent: Monday, February 25, 2008 12:20 PM
  Subject: CS>Have symptoms, need possible causes and solutions!

  Hey, Group!

  I was woken up this morning aspirating on my own saliva. I grabbed a kleenex 
next to the bed and spit out this nasty, bile tasting stuff that was a 
blackish-brown color. This is about the third time this has happened in the 
past 3 years and I feel like I just fought a huge battle in the "Octagon" - 
cage fighting for those that don't know. My muscles ache, my bones feel brittle 
and I am very cold even though it is over 80 degrees in my home.
  I have a condition called "Barrett's Esophagus" and take Prilosec to help 
reduce the acid reflux that comes with the results of having a Hiatal Hernia 
that protrudes thru my diaphragm. The labs I have had over the past 5 years 
have shown slightly low white blood counts with everything else within normal 
ranges. I don't want to go back to my doctor as he just writes it off as all 
part of my GERD and writes me another acid-reducing Rx.
  I've been making and taking CS for the past two years and haven't had even a 
cold. Anyhow, what could this be and what, if anything at all, do you folks 
suggest I do?

  Scotty (Beam me up, Captain!)

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