I'm allergic to nickel. The standard SS industry line is that SS
cookware, and other kitchen ware does not leach nickel,
but.................when I tossed the SS (all that was not magnetic) I
gradually improved over a period of a few months. Letting me reduce my
antihistamine use, as I had fewer attacks of eczema.
I have no knowledge of "electrical sensitivities".
I do have other allergies and sensitivities, and my experience is that
the more allergens I'm in contact with or ingest daily the more reactive
I am overall. Thus my positive reaction to reducing nickel as much as
Rowena wrote:
Sol, may I check back with you what your sensitivites were before
getting rid of non-magnetic SS?
Were these, for instance, chemical sensitivities, or were you
electrically sensitive in some way?
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