R, I've seen the cans here in CT and they are so light, I assumed they were 
aluminum like soda cans. That's why I haven't bought any. I've not seen it in 
glass. How do you know they are steel? Jess
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Rowena [mailto:new...@aapt.net.au]
  Sent: Saturday, March 15, 2008 3:22 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CS>Re: Gatorade? Coconut Water Cans.

  No, apparently they are steel cans.  
  I wonder whether anyone produces it in glass bottles.

    Are the cans aluminum? Jess

      How about doing some internet research on the benefits of coconut water?  
I think many people will already have heard that during WWII it was even used 
as a blood volume expander instead of the unavailable blood transfusions, with 
no adverse results.  The ratio of minerals etc. is very, very close to the 
human blood ratio.  
      It's available in many forms; in my town I am able to get it canned with 
little pieces of the young flesh or gel floating in it. 

      My new trick is to have a drink of the coconut juice slightly "diluted" 
or "enriched" with CS.


         Why would anyone want to consume Gatorade?  My word ... that stuff is 
enough to make you sick on its own.
        The Sodium to Potassium ratio is most unhealthy ... supports 