Well, I was a bit puzzled, as the top looked dull like aluminium, but the sides 
were very firm.  But I couldn't see why they would put an aluminium top on a 
steel can.  

Anyway, I remembered that a fridge magnet would be enough to test it with and - 
surprise -  the top is aluminium, the sides are steel and the bottom is 
aluminium - so everybody was correct, in a way.

I don't see any mention of sulphur dioxide on these cans, but the sugar is 
certainly regrettable, and I only just noticed that there is in any case only 
50% coconut water, and the rest is water, pulp and sugar.  I'm not sure I want 
to pay to transport water all the way from Thailand.

Nothing beats fresh, does it?  You know what this means?  With the Australian 
winter approaching, I may be forced to miss the coldest weeks, trek all the way 
to the absolute other corner of Australia, Queensland, Mission Beach, (one of 
the few places where rainforest meets the reef) to be near to where the 
coconuts grow, in a place that just happens to be warm if not hot, and I might 
even have to check in at a Youth Hostel or Backpackers for a month or so to get 
fresh coconuts every day and do my coconut cure the budget way!  Misery and 
suffering, just because I can't buy 100% fresh coconut juice in a glass bottle!

According to http://www.cocotap.com/nutrition.htm the juice/milk nomenclature 
is as follows: "Coconut water, also called coconut juice, is the liquid found 
inside a fresh coconut. Contrary to popular belief, this liquid is not the same 
as coconut milk. Coconut water is in a sense a tree sap. It is a relatively 
clear liquid that looks more like water than it does milk."

Coconut milk is thick and white, processed from the flesh, and coconut cream is 
the same but with lower water content.

Bruce Fife said: 
Coconut water has been a popular beverage in the tropics for generations and it 
wasn't long before physicians began experimenting with it for oral rehydration. 
They found that it was just as effective orally as it was intravenously in 
combating dehydration. Due to coconut water's chemical composition it is 
absorbed through the intestinal wall quicker than plain water, bringing about a 
faster recovery and eliminating the need for IV rehydration therapy. 


  Test it with a magnet!  Steel is magnetic!
  Aluminum is not magnetic!...


  Teri Kavakos wrote:
  > I have a can of the same in from of me I wish it did not have water and 
  > sugar added plus sulphurdioxide.   I have a full can in front of me and 
  > I was able with out much effort to dent it by squeezing it.  Aluminium 
  > can for sure.