Morning Nenah,

At 09:20 AM 3/17/2008, you wrote:
All in moderation. If you're healthy, you can eat sugar. If you're borderline, you have to be very careful.

 Of course I agree with you, 100 %.

 Something I have said for years, and I think it is my original statement.

"The greatest advantage of being healthy is that you can eat anything you want, anytime you want it."

Even pull a drunk now and then. I drink no alcohol, in spite of what they say about wine. I used to make wind and gave it all away.

 Some will think that is a joke or a lie, or a half truth.

I seldom eat any dessert or sweets with a meal. If I eat them, I eat them alone. ( Proper food combining is a subject that most refuse to recognize and master )

 One Thanksgiving a pecan pie was left uneaten.

 Later in the day, I asked my wife,  "Do you want to save any of this pie"
She said, NO.  I ate the whole pie.

Likewise, one can eat a half gallon of ice cream. I really pig out on home made
Ice cream.  And guess what ?  I stopped eating ice cream several years ago.

I have marked so many foods off the list, I have only a few left I can eat.

I can smell the bad fats in roasted nuts, and many other junk foods.

Virtually all cookies are so sweet I cannot eat them.

Often I can smell hot and bad grease 50 to 100 feet from a bogus food joint.

A while back I was in a rest room at a restaurant.  It smelled really bad.
When I came out, the bogus grease they were using and other odors smelled worse.

This means I cannot eat anything in many such places. Often all I would eat anyway would be a salad or the salad bar.

Recently I ate a salad bar.  All the food was beautiful, but........ NO TASTE !

When I drive up to my daughters house, if her husband is smoking the pipe, I can smell it as soon as I get out of the car. I would guess I could smell it a few hundred feet and a wild animal could smell it a half mile, or maybe a mile.

I have studied the sense of smell and the sense of taste.
Many millions have compromised senses,  and I think this is dangerous.

Maybe sometime you could write an article on how these senses effect ones eating, well being, and health. I think it is key issue.

My blood sugar has always been low, and my blood insulin level has also, near the bottom of the scale. Also blood pH is on the nose.

As I get older, I fear some of this may change.

I eat very little food but most of it is decent. I eat one small conventional meal every 3 or 4 days.

I have a question or two about insulin I will post later.



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