Morning Dee,

>>At 10:59 AM 3/17/2008, you wrote:

But surely, if fructose is in fruit, then it should be good for you! I think it is all to do with moderation again. If you eat anything, it should be in moderation and in as natural form as possible. Dee

  I agree with you.   ( as much as I like to disagree )  <grin>
  But Nehah pointed out some things that could make us change our thinking.

I was surprised when a great alternative doctor made an attack on some fruits.

If I remember correctly, it was grapes and oranges. Oranges are about 13 % carbs, but it will vary of course.
Some fruit and vegetables today, seem to be near ZERO percent everything.

  Carbohydrate metabolism varies from person to person.

  I still eat a few oranges and grapes.

Just like fats, Nature did not make any bad fats, only man does that. So, I wonder if nature makes any bad foods, other than the ones that are poison. Maybe they should not be called food.

Many great foods have lots of carbs. No doubt a train car load of information exist about carbs being bad for the body.

This is one thing that blows a large hole in the vegetarian theory. Of course some foods exist that have protein and fats. But most do not eat enough of those.

I could easily be a vegetarian, if I could find enough of the good foods. Some are hard to find, poor quality, and over priced.

 I think the key is the ratio of  Protein, Fats, and Carbs.

 Back in the 50's this was stated to be.

 40 % protein
 40 % Fat
 20 %  carbs

This was by a respected athlete, Olympic Coach, and a Strong Man,  Bob Hoffman

I read several of his books. One was "How to be Strong, Healthy, and Happy". ( going on memory, maybe it is right ) .

I met him in person a few times, and went to York PA and spent some time in the
"Strength and Health Hall of Fame".

Hoffman and Adelle Davis kicked me in the rear and headed me in the right direction. I am not saying they were both right about everything. Not much information back then, compared to what we have today.

I had one book copy write date, 1927 and an old textbook used in schools in 1928.
Interesting but simple stuff in them but lots of use in their day.

