Morning Malcom,

>>At 11:40 AM 4/6/2008, you wrote:
Hi, you might want to try a borax powder which is sold as an ant killer.
It is harmless to humans and animals.

The question was to repel ants, not kill them. I continue to be amazed that someone ask one question and many answer another.

 No one will ever kill all the ants anyway.  I hope they do not.

Every one should learn the beneficial effects of ants on many things, including the environment.

Does anything think that because an insect or other critter is a problem for them, it is all bad ?

A honey bee stings you, your immune system is on strike, or non existent, and you declare war on honey bees.

Be careful, the tree huggers and others will line up to do battle, and I am not sure which side I will be on.

That is what is wrong with the world today, everyone trying to adapt the world to them, rather than the humans adapting to the world.

The first step to controlling ants is "Good Housekeeping". Get rid of everything that smells good to the ants and they might disappear.

Don't call me a tree hugger, and ant lover, or an organic hater.
Instead it is the ignorance of some of these groups ( or the people in the groups ) that gets me upset.

Dig up the facts before you did up the ant hills.


Further, the subject line of most of these messages is a disaster and gosh awful.
I could go back to the one that started it .......... but I won't.
One day I am going to delete all my silver list archives because 98 % of the messages have the wrong subject, or one that is not worth ONE CENT !


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