On Sun, 2008-04-06 at 13:37 -0500, Wayne Fugitt wrote:
> Morning Malcom,
>  >>At 11:40 AM 4/6/2008, you wrote:
> >Hi, you might want to try a borax powder which is sold as an ant killer.
> >It is harmless to humans and animals.
>    The question was to repel ants, not kill them.  I continue to be amazed 
> that someone ask one question and many answer another.

"...Terro ant killer..." a repellent??
>   No one will ever kill all the ants anyway.  I hope they do not.

Me neither, the ones that set up housekeeping in my wall because they
liked something about the place, they didn't ask; I don't go about
looking for "ant hills"
>   Every one should learn the beneficial effects of ants on many things, 
> including the environment.
Yes, Edward O. Wilson's writing's f'rinstance.
>   Does anything think that because an insect or other critter is a problem 
> for them, it is all bad ?
>   A honey bee stings you, your immune system is on strike, or non existent, 
> and you declare war on honey bees.
Not me, you??
>   Be careful, the tree huggers and others will line up to do battle, and I 
> am not sure which side I will be on.

And I don't care; I'm a tree hugger, myself, and try to infuse a little
sanity into my confreres minds about so-called "invasive species", for
instance.  It's almost never all black and white, except in print, huh?

> That is what is wrong with the world today,  everyone trying to adapt the 
> world to them, rather than the humans adapting to the world.
A very good point, and I agree!
> The first step to controlling ants is "Good Housekeeping".   Get rid of 
> everything that smells good to the ants and they might disappear.
> Don't call me a tree hugger, and ant lover, or an organic hater.
> Instead it is the ignorance of some of these groups ( or the people in the 
> groups ) that gets me upset. 
Haven't called you a thing, don't intend to.
> Dig up the facts before you did up the ant hills.
You too,
> Wayne
> Further, the subject line of most of these messages is a disaster and gosh 
> awful.
> I could go back to the one that started it .......... but I won't.
> One day I am going to delete all my silver list archives because 98 % of 
> the messages have the wrong subject, or one that is not worth ONE CENT !
Boy, THAT'll fix 'em!! <g>
Hey, take care Wayne; 
"Illegitum non-tatum carborundum." the sign above my father's workbench
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