>>>So Reid...
>>>   Where do you take this in terms of prevention?
>>   Your in a catch 22 situation. You can take things that will
>>bring your blood to an alkaline state that should prevent
>>the osteoporosis. BUT you still have the microbe in your body 
>>that you desperately need to get out.
>Unless changing pH creates a "terrain"  inhospitable to the microbe's life.
>Ivan implied that changing pH via the breathing program might do so. This
>is a very interesting approach. It works with soils. Microbes need
>different pH's to live. Now, it may be that some microbes mutate to become
>compatable with altered pH. This line of thinking is pretty darned
>interesting, and wonder if anyone has any thoughts about it.

>Now, it may be that some microbes mutate to become compatable with altered pH. 

   You got it there!!! They do and sometimes that is real dangerous. Rife found 
that as long as the body was in a negative state the typhiod bacteria wouldn't 
harm a person. Change the body's state to positive and it would kill you. 
Not all mutate but all favor a terrain. 


Take Care 

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