>I have posted on the internal terrain before.
>This environment or 'milieu' according to Enderlien and others, is
>responsible for changing the life stage of microbes, which exist in us
>in a benign symbiotic manner at a cellular level, to a pathogenetic
>stage which causes disease and infection. This metamorphosis is
>reversible upon the restoration of the correct environment.
>Darkfield microscopy seems to confirm this.
>Establishment medical science of course scoffs at this theory, but now
>admits that the malaria pathogen undergoes such a metamorphosis.
>Regards - Ivan

   You should read the cancer cure that worked by Barry Lynes if you
haven't all ready. Royal Rife invented a microscope that could see 
LIVE viruses, found that bacteria in the right medium could change
from one form to another, cured cancer and was shuned by the medical 
world because of the head of the AMA (Moris Fishbien)at the time. Rife 
and friend wouldn't sell so Fishbien shut him down.

Take Care 

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