From: "Dianne France" <>
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: CS>daughters infected wisdom tooth
> Our son has also been dealing with an abscess tooth
> and finally went to the dentist and they were very
> concerned due to the extent of the infection that
> showed on x-rays.  They put him on antibiotics and
> gave him some pain medication and hopefully it will
> start killing the infection quickly.  
> He is also in the middle of moving and when he went
> to turn his keys into his old apartment the
> apartment manager told him about a man that lived in
> the complex that they found dead.  He also had an
> abscessed tooth and the infection went into his
> brain and evidently killed him.  He died alone in
> his apartment.
> Dianne
>Hi Dianne, group, & Mike,

A few days ago I responded to the subject of infected
teeth and the dangers of the  possibility of it going
to the brain or closing the windpipe causing death.  I
never saw my post come through, but there was a
response to it.  

My question is did my original post just not go
through on my computer since it appeared some received
it in order for them to respond to it, or did Mike
block it not allowing it to go through.

I just wanted to know because it seems like I read
somewhere (thought it was this list rules) where they
wanted to keep things on the alternative medicines
instead of allopathy.  Thought maybe because I was
stating my opinion of the importance of antibiotics,
it might not have been subject approved???  Just
wanting to know if that was an ok post or if I should
stay away for talking about traditional medicine.

This really is important about the tooth infection,
imo, because it can (I doubt if many people even know
this) lead to death if left untreated.  Many
althernative people wouldn't be caught dead using an
antibiotic, but sometimes they might just end up that

Anyway, what did happen to my post?  It never came
through on my end.  I'm on digest.  Don't know if that
would have anything to do with it or not.  Wouldn't
think so.


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