Dear Gail,

You were concerned:
> My question is did my original post just not go
> through on my computer since it appeared some received
> it in order for them to respond to it, or did Mike
> block it not allowing it to go through.

Yep, a message from you on that thread came through on the 24th, Gail, 
so you must have missed it somehow.

As for me blocking anything, all my moderation is done after the fact. 
Posts go out from you to the entire list with no intervention from me 
at all. Every member's continued participation in the group depends on 
them not abusing that basic privelege.

If you're ever doing something I object to, you will hear from me, 
usually in private e-mail.

As for topics related to allopathics, I certainly won't object if 
somebody wants to mention such treatment options, in either a critical 
or favorable light based on their experience. I'm sure others will step 
up to provide balance... <wink>

This group's self-moderation is a sight to behold, most of the time. 

I thank you all for your cooperative and generous spirits..


Mike D.
da list owner guy

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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