What is the "witches brew"???
-------------- Original message from Wayne Fugitt <cwa...@netdoor.com>: --------------

Morning Faith,

>> At 08:21 AM 5/6/2008, you wrote:

I read all your message, more than once.  Glad to have the insight but sorry you have the problems described.

I won't address all the points and issues.  Too many and some are irrelevant anyway.

But what I will tell you is, "Etched in Stone"  ........ no two ways about it.

You best try to understand them because I doubt that any of your genius doctors know the facts or else the AMA Law prohibits them from telling you.

First, ....... why blame the heart ?

The heart is like an engine, with no fuel, no coil, no wiring, no intelligence to do anything.

It is Worthless alone, and it will stop working, ........... period,  without a few essentials.

The heart can be damaged beyond repair,  blockage, filled with scar tissue, deformed valves,
weak, very weak,  even blockage to the heart can produce problems,  but........
if any or all this is the case,  How can the pacemaker make it perform like a perfect heart ?

No way under the sun.

I have had a number of friends that had similar problems.  One, ....... his heart would slow down to the 40's at night.  His arms would hurt, and he would have a seizure virtually every night.

And the "Witches Brew" solved his problem in less than 24 hours and he has been seizure free
for a year and half or more.

Except in one or two instances whereas he worked too hard, long hours, did not eat enough,
and did not take the witches brew.

I have said all this before, but I guess I have to say it again.
It applies to the young, the old, the weak, the strong, mountain climbers, marathon runners,
bicycle racers,   and older weak people,  and no matter if your name is
Rambo, Arnold, or Milo of Cortan, .......... better do some things right or one can become
a statistic, in short order.  Even with a strong and healthy heart, the essentials are required.

One friend had irregular heart beat so bad at times he could not talk.  He went to some genius doctor that did 18,000 dollars worth of test and told him,.......

"There is nothing wrong with your heart".  Further the doctor stated that many people have these and it does not hurt very much.   Was the doctor a Fool or Not ?
Not worth one good bullet in my book.

Of course the lungs and the circulatory system would deprive the heart of the essentials it needs to work.  But like the brain, this is a 24 hour a day job. 1440 minutes every day and 86,400 seconds.

Did you treat the heart right ?  Did you give it what it needs to function ?

Older people have to eat more often.  T hey have to eat different food than a healthy 20 or 30 year old person.  It must be virtually pre digested ( for some ).   If your HCL is low, or any digestive problem exists,

Guess What ?   The heart may be the first to suffer and tell you about it.

I remember a few of your freaky and  mentally controlled eating habits.  Some did not seem the best for your heart.

Remember only a minute or two of short supply to the heart can be disastrous.  Some people hit their head when they pass our, and DIE as the result.

If you were really an expert at managing your mail, you could search 10, 20, or 50,000 messages and find out all you need to know.

Or......... If you want to trust your doctor,  many die in the operating room.

I had a good friend that was my favorite nurse.  She was a mainstream believer and the doctor told her she needed heart surgery.  6 hours later, the report stated she was do ing fine.
She died within 24 hours.

Fact is, without the stupid surgery, she would be alive today. Her son, a nurse even stated the same thing.

>> A few months ago I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and woke up on the bathroom >> floor.  I just go 'boom' with no warning. I am not always nauseated but when I am nauseated it >> seems that I am unable to recover from the nausea without some type of medication.

    Your problems may be many, instead of few.

While in the hospital I wore a telemetry unit and a holter monitor and it was discovered that my heart rate dropped to 30 one night .  It also dropped to 50 quite often.

  Likely some drugs, or  energy, minerals, electrolytes being low or non existent  contribute to the problem.  This can happen even if you do not have many other body chemistry or organ problems.
Or if you have no other problems.

 I am also experiencing a few missed heart beats and this is why my cardiologist thinks I might need a pacemaker.

  It could help, but no matter, everything I tell you is of utmost important, pace maker of not.

 I had open heart surgery 11 years ago for a single by-pass and an aortic valve replacement (the same surgery Arnold Swarzenager (sp?) had voluntarily to improve the quality of his life).  I am waiting to see a specialist sometime within the next few weeks about a pacemaker possibly.
  Which type of valve did you have ?  The plastic or the organic material ?

Anyone else wear a pacemaker?  Thanks.  Faith G.

No one I know at the present. Years ago I knew a few that had them.

But if you depend on the pace maker to solve all your problems and do not provide the essentials to the heart, you are doomed.

Many young athletes are dying around the world from heart problems.  From High School age to college level.

This is due to mainstream lies, no education, lack of knowledge by the coaches and the students.
It should not happen. 

A slightly defective heart is one thing.  A starved heart is another,  A total shutdown is another.
And remember, the Brain and the Heart are somewhat alike in the minute to minute supply of nutrients and energy.

A young healthy person can extract these from the body when needed.
That is the  Emergency Energy Production system of the body,  Awesome to say the least.

I su ggest that you change your eating habits,  eat 6 to10 meals per day instead of 3 or 4.
I think 3 meals per day is an American Disaster, and even a world wide disaster.

You may have to eat some foods not on your approved list.  I suggest you SCRAP it anyway, and you now have proof as to its value.

As some wise men have stated,  Take a Brain Washing and start all over.

What have you to loose ?   Everything to gain.

What foods to eat ?  What minerals to take, what supplements ?  Some may be causing problems if you have compromised body chemistry.

It is all a hill to climb.  I have been trying to sort our the
News, from the truth, and from the lies for a long, long, time.

And of course I do not claim to have it all right, but I am closer than many, including about
99 percent of the Genius Doctors.


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