Thanks, Wayne . . . you nailed it. . . .
I've been drinking 2 teaspoons cayenne in a half glass of water
3x a day. This is what Dr. Christopher lowered his BP with.
Also fruits,veggies, seafood & hardly any meat.
Don't smoke. . .come from a long line of German farmers.
I'm 76. . . just joined the Y,  2 weeks ago & exercising 3X/week.


On 5/5/08, Wayne Fugitt <> wrote:
> Evening Smitty,
>  >> At 08:01 PM 5/5/2008, you wrote:
> > Wayne. . . . I have read something about high blood pressure
> > readings. The docs lowered the *normal* numbers and
> > as a result, the medicos are selling more HBP meds.
> > Have you heard about this ?
> >
>   Not sure the DOC's did it.  The AMA, the Drug companies, and the Medical
> Profession wanted
>  everyone to be sick or have some ailment.
>   Yes, been hearing about it for some time.
>  More on your question later, but first I need to beat around the bush and
> state some ideas and
>  opinions.
>  First, .......  High, Low, and Normal are bordering on Fuzzy Logic and
> cannot be defined.
>  ( by ordinary means and methods )
>  Blood pressure is a symptom and NOT A Disease.  It never has been.
>  It is addressed and treated which is often a very bad thing.
>  The blood pressure often goes up for a very good reason and can save ones
> life.
>  If a bear is chasing you, it better go up, ...... and as high as possible.
> Also your emergency energy system needs to kick in, if it is possible for
> this to happen.
>  Over the years, my blood pressure would go up when I needed to eat.
>  Supplying energy to the brain is near Number ONE priority, the heart is
> second.
>  Whether the brain or heart gets priority is a complex subject.  The heart
> may be first.
>  If the brain runs our of energy, you can pass out, hit a bridge, a tree, a
> telephone pole or another vehicle.  Thus and therefore, the blood pressure
> going up, is often a life saving maneuver.
>  ( or if the electrolytes are way our of balance, or non existent )
>  The body is very intelligent, Often I refer to  "The body control system"
> simply because I think,
>  "Control Systems".  It is also intercellular communications, call it what
> you wish.
>  I fully realize that some conditions in the body can keep the blood
> pressure above normal, virtually all the time.   Addressing the true ailment
> and cause would be much better than simply lowering the blood pressure.
>  Vitamins, Minerals, Electrolytes, and energy levels all play an important
> part.
>  And of course, a diabetic has a multitude of problems that I will not
> address.
>  If the blood glucose is too high, the brain will not use it, so one will
> feel lightheaded just like they do if the glucose is low.
>  Again, many of my ideas are from observation, not from some bogus lies I
> read.
>  Remember, I am a human being also.  My blood pressure has been high, and it
> has been low.
>  I never get a headache from blood pressure.  Remember Salt is very
> important, as are all
>  electrolytes.
>  It can be made go up and can be made go down by nutrients and food.
>  Often in the morning, my reading will be 117 over 72 with a heart rate in
> the 50's.
>  I rather it be 130 to 135 over 80 to 85.  Even 90 is ok and 140 is ok.
>  Due to ones physical condition, circulatory condition and maybe  serious
> ailments, the blood pressure must be a bit higher for them to feel good and
> function.
>  Too High and Too Low must be determined by the individual, NO stupid doctor
> knows what is best for you or for me.  I know what is right for me, and can
> usually put it exactly there.
>  I am positive that it is a Bald Faced Lie that high blood pressure causes
> stroke.
>  No fool engineer would design a piping system that could not stand more
> pressure than the pump can provide.
>  The blood vessels are 10 times as strong as any pressure the heart can
> deliver.
>  That is,  good blood vessels, not bad or damaged one.  "Healthy people, not
> sick people"
>  Weak blood vessels causes strokes.  The genius body control system does not
> consider the weakness of your blood vessels when it make the decision to
> increase the blood pressure.
>  Energy for the heart is of utmost importance, just like for the brain.
>  The heart muscle uses energy at two times the rate of any other cells.
>  If the energy is low, very low, for an extended time, one can have a heart
> attack and even have permanent damage to the heart, and they can DIE, just
> because of a lack of energy.
>  Inadequate electrolytes caused many heart abnormalities.  Get them right
> and keep them right.
>  The brain and the heart are much alike in energy requirements.  It must be
> there or the person is at risk for many things, accidents, and you name it.
>  I have great sympathy for Diabetics.  Most fight a constant battle, 24
> hours per day, even when sleeping.
>  Most of what I say does not apply to them.  They are in a world of their
> own, and must do their own study to arrive at what is best.
>  One great writer, Karl Loren states.   The diet recommended by the American
> Diabetes Association causes Diabetes.  Also he says the same thing about the
> American Heart Association.
>  Here is a block relative to the standards.
>  ================  Read it and Weep
>  Hypertension has been variously defined as a systolic pressure higher than:
> 100 + your age, then 100 + half your age (systolic), then a fixed figure:
> 160/100, then 140/90, and currently 120/90, numbers that have been steadily
> deceasing over the years. This has had the effect of turning more and more
> healthy people into patients: now, practically everybody is classified as a
> patient although the vast majority have no obvious medical symptoms to show
> for it. But it does help to sell drugs! (Sorry if I sound cynical, but a
> recent paper suggested that people with perfectly normal blood pressure
> readings were 'pre-hypertensive' thus making them into potential patients as
> well.)
>  Above from Barry Groves web site.
>  =============================
>  I must have left out a few things and ideas.  If you have a question, post
> it.
>  Someone will answer it.
>  Wayne
>  =====================================
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