The water board was just forced to start fluoridation of the water in Alcoa Tennessee by the mayor. There are rumors of payoffs, and citizens are considering a lawsuit. Makes sense since it is the home of Alcoa Aluminum, which is the leading producer of fluoride waste that would cost them huge amount of money to dispose of if they were not allowed to dump this toxic waste into the water supply.


Faith Gagne wrote:
Gee Mike, my town just voted on whether or not to fluoridate the water. I voted no as did eveyone else I know. I have yet to find out the results of the vote. We are really behind the times since fluoride is banned in 97% of Europe and in China! So what is our problem? Faith G.

----- Original Message ----- From: "M. G. Devour" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2008 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Borax, mange, Lyme

That's pretty amazing info, Rowena.

I wonder what a good oral dose is to chelate body accumulation of
flouride. We have flouridated city water here and, though I drink
distilled, I still have to bathe in the junk. Activated charcoal
filters will take out chlorine but not flouride, if what I remember
hearing a few years back is still true.

I could use pineal gland cleanse, by golly! <grin>


Mike D.

I thought the group would be interested in this information.
Although it is for the treatment of dogs, my ears pricked up when I
spotted the reference to Lyme also. I haven't heard about that
connection before, though Lyme sufferers may have. Rowena

. I must make a strong statement that the formula (borax+h2o2 or sodium
perborate) works bests and it is broad spectrum. You can use it to
control mange, mites, fleas, and lyme disease (initiated by those crawly
insects). I have actually compared side to side with neem oil, mineral
oil, apple cider vinegar and others here in Bangkok and this is the most
wide spectrum cure I have found. Borax prevents denaturation of DNA/RNA
in dogs and I currently use this as life extension for dogs. For example
a ribose sugar, deoxyribose sugar, and various sugar that causes
accelerated aging in dogs can be slowed down with supplementation of
dogs indirectly when you do the borax wash. " "Prepare peroxide 1%
solution, add 2-3 tablespoon of borax to that cup. Stir and wait for a
couple of minutes for the borax to dissolve. The formula doesn't require
an exact science. The importance is to add enough borax until the
solution is no longer soluble and well past saturation."  . . .

Borax's toxicity is about 3000 mg/kg, which is the equivalent toxicity
to about that of salt. (check wikipedia). The idea is to make a solution
of borax so that the solution can cover the entire body and penetrate
through the skin of the dog to kill the demodex mites, for example. To
use a spot treatment by pure powder will take an infinitely long time as
it does not get to it through the dog's skin. . . .

You see borax will both kill the eggs, modifying the hormones and their
eggs by drying them all at once. The weakness of borax is limited
solubility and limited penetration of the skin which you need either
vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, benzoyl peroxide (toxic), MSM or DMSO
solution. Ideally 10% DMSO should be preferred....

The one magic that borax has over its neighbors is that the borax powder that the dogs leaves in the house will kill the eggs even after the dogs
no longer has mange and re-infection is therefore next to impossible.
However, borax has limited effect on killing the larger mites and fleas,
but not mange. I found that adding 1/8 teaspoon per liter of water of
borax added to the dog's water will cause the larger fleas to dry up and die at the same time. My dog for some reason likes to eat something like more than 1 gram of the sodium perborate crystals whenever he feels sick and the fleas just die off. The borax modifies the dog's blood and kills
the mange inside out. This is why borax, i.e., sodium perborate, is
required for mange, but not anything else due to preventive re-infection of the mange by the powder of the borax that destroys the eggs where the
dog sleeps and where it walks around throughout the house. . . .

Just want to tell you that there are many ways you can treat mange, but
the issue is one of toxicity, re infection, toxic levels, which portion
kills it and how, and which is the penetrant which is the key to it all. Penetrant is important, the chemical must reach the target demodex under
the skin. Usually hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, DMSO, and MSM will do
that. It must be reminded again that borax, to work most effectively, is to prepare a solution without washing it off, followed by a small amount
of borax powder to be applied if you wish. Any other application other
than this such as using as purely powder form is NOT going to work.

Also info re borax and
fluoride. more
about dogs, borax, infestations etc.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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