Dee, for domestic purposes the water meters are not a must.  One kind tells you 
how much solid stuff is in the water, which can be handy to begin with, but 
which you likely would not use after the first few days.  Another I believe 
would tell you kind of how strong your CS is, but I never had one.

Perhaps rain water would be a possibility.  

It's incredible, isn't it, how hard the distilled water thing is over there.  I 
know, I have been trying to help a friend in Sussex get set up, as you  may 
recall.  And when I found the generators on line in the UK, I thought they were 
a bit pricey (if 45 pounds post free is pricey, maybe I am just a scrooge).  
online holistic health shop   and 
were two I turned up.  The Silver Pulser is available from for £150 and two replacement wires £18. 

It's embarrassingly simple to fix a piece of wire to a crocodile or alligator 
clip, and I suspect that's the hardest part.  Four little alligator clips from 
one of those electronic type stores (you don't even have to disguise yourself 
as a technician, I just went in as a little old housewife) and apart from 
finding some high grade silver you are nearly there!  The silver rods cost 
eight quid for two from Realm Shift.   Two bits of wire, four clips, and the 
batteries you choose to use.  
If something happened to mine, I think that is what I would do to replace it.  
But I know there are some wonderful options out there across the Atlantic. 


Smitty recently posted: I use 4 square 9V batteries hooked in series.
9 X 4 = 36V
The clips of one snap together on another. Once the four are
snapped together, use alligator clips on the 2 remaining posts.
1 plus and 1 minus.
I use silver Canadian Maple Leaf coins, which you may be
able to find at any coin/stamp shop. and attach them to a
small board with plastic clips holding the coins.
Pour distilled water into a qt. glass jar until the coins are
half covered with water.

        Gosh, you sound quite the little techno whizz, Kirsteen!  I am not good 
at innovating and would really like to get the proper generator, but it is the 
water distilling and water meters etc., which put me off.  Dee 

        but I think it was about £50 -£60 certainly no more than that. 

        I couldn't afford a generator so I use the 9v battery method with some 
99.9% silver wire that I also bought online. It's quick, simple and easy to 
make. I don't have a meter or anything to test it just a laser pen to check for 
Tyndall effect but my son, my friends and myself have all had marvellous 
results with it. And now I've got my nebuliser (Ebay again :-) there's no 
stopping me.
