EIS is usually 80-90% silver ions.  silver ions are single silver atoms that
have a +positive+ charge making them very reactive (they're hungry for
an -electron- from somewhere, and will share one with something with
a -negative- charge, or take it (depending..)  so, silver doesn't get any
smaller than single atoms ... nano nano nano?  i think the single atom ions
aren't nano particles, or particles at all.  the other 10-20% of EIS is
silver particles of various sizes, where two or more atoms get together ...
or compounds where the silver has combined with something else and made
oxides (usually)... and they grow until they fall out of solution.  so the
particles larger than ions vary in size from the smallest nano and get
larger until you can see the stuff in the bottom of a jar.

read arnold's posts from today .... he, ode, trem, jason, marshall, mike,
etc... understand all this better than i.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Dee [mailto:d...@deetroy.org]
  Sent: Monday, May 19, 2008 6:26 AM
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Subject: Re: CS>Molecula Silver

        I thought EIS *was* nano particles!  Dee

        -------Original Message-------

        From: Paula Perry
        Date: 19/05/2008 10:21:47
        To: silver-list@eskimo.com
        Subject: CS>Molecula Silver

        I was thinking that the nano-sizing has something to do with what is
supposedly making this product more unique and available.

        I don't have much understanding about nano technology but I do know
that nano technology is increasingly being used in all types of consumer
products. I have even wondered if it is involved with the development of
Morgellons. I would think that having used nano technology to create this
product would make it of smaller particles than the products that we make so
that it would penetrate inside cells more readily. I am certainly not
indorsing this product. I am offering it as a question. After all, nano
technology is fairly new. I am not aware that someone can create nano sized
particles of products at home without special equipment and knowledge.