Hi Bob,

So your setup will take out flouride, will it take out chemicals? I used to like the Brita, I would boil the water first, then use the Brita and the water would taste pretty good. Now I just buy all my water. I am too cheap to get an RO setup, also I am not sure it would be better here than the store bought.


On May 21, 2008, at 7:22 PM, bob Larson wrote:

you'll do fine. don't be discouraged if you mess up a few times... just
make use of that which you wouldn't drink in other ways around the

at $8US /liter for the DW (if i recall that right) you gotta get away from
that a.s.a.p.
consider a Reverse Osmosis water filter with de-ionizer cartridges to
install under the sink. if needbe, you can get a garden hose adapter and use it anywhere but it's nice to have RO available from it's own spigot on
the sink top.  the de-ionizer will make it real nice, almost as pure as
distilled but it doesn't trap or kill microbes (which will be dead already
if you water supply is chlorinated as most is).  then an economical
countertop pitcher style distiller won't have much to do at all.  and
flouride will be gone too.
the RO water is great to drink/cook with if trace minerals are added back
into it via Concentrace or the like.

i'm using RO & de-ionized water without distilling for my CS and it makes better CS than any of the DW available from the grocery stores except that
from Whole Foods (strangely they're also the cheapest too).


-----Original Message-----
From: Dee [mailto:d...@deetroy.org]
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2008 1:11 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Plunged!

Just thought I'd tell you all that I've finally plucked up
courage and ordered my generator so am quite excited although a
bit nervous about it!  Lord knows what sort of mess I'll make of
it, but nevertheless, nothing ventured nothing gained, as the
saying goes... I've also ordered some distilled water so hope
that goes ok, and who knows, I may end up getting my own
distiller!  Brave talk indeed for a mechanically challenged OAP!  Dee

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