Sorry I'm new, don't want to step on any toes here, the discussion was intriguing for me, although off topic. The genius of the chemical lobotomizing is the almost complete control with no self realization. It was one of the best attacks on the zombie slave system I've seen. This system is why we have to go underground to discuss CS etc. Now do you see grasshopper? I have a silver puppy, BTW..Shepdog and his silver puppy hahahahah

What does this message have to do with CS anyway? I am really tired of this discussion. Faith G.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jeff Shepler" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2008 6:59 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Chemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

I agree with the libertarian pull your own damn ass up by your boot straps, and if you don't comprehend usury and it's enslavement ? It's for sure the banksters aren't going to fill you in. Henry Ford said the best invention in the world was 6% compound interest. I paid cash for my home and have been spending the interest I would have paid to some fat pencil pushing slob fixing it up and can say it was a good move. I do borrow money for cars unfortunately, 2 more years and we'll have her 2006 VW Beetle 1.9 diesel ( 50mpg) paid. I'd sell for what I paid HAHA ...I asked my brother way back (accountant works for Marathon) if gas was ever going down and he just laughed evilly and said probably not. They are investing billions up in the ND huge oil field w/new horizontal drilling techniques.


I'll tell you why. The decision was made back in the 70's to make sure our country had some for the future, and in the meantime, we decided to buy oil from the rest of the world. Deplete their reserves, which were much larger than ours. I have been out of touch with the industry for more than 20 years, so I have no idea about the current state of affairs.

It was also decided we would use all those smarts to make more fuel efficient cars, furnaces, and decrease our consumption to improve our chances at survival in the case of a world war, with the reserves waiting for some future day's need.

Ode is correct about how insane it is for people to drive those gas guzzling SUV's in the name of safety (big joke, it was not a big problem before) when it is really just an ego trip, and putting our own desires before what I have seen as a national security issue for our grandkids.

This was inevitable.


On May 29, 2008, at 3:00 PM, <> wrote:

The government is 3 steps ahead of us, not 3 steps behind. You have to realize who the government is, they don't get elected. What are they doing with all that oil up in Alaska, that we'll never see??? That's the 4th largest oil deposit in the world and it's just sitting there, why? The largest is in Suadi, second largest is Iraq. Want to take a guess at where the 3rd largest oil deposit is?? You know, the ones we are going to blast next-Iran.

---- Ode Coyote <> wrote:
At 09:56 PM 5/27/2008 -0700, you wrote:


Please... I mean get real my friend. Nobody buys fluoridated water, it was mandated by criminal elements within our own government. Lead
paint was illegal BEFORE the recent recalls. Consumers had no way of
knowing there was lead in the paint on their kids toys... the governments job it to PROTECT the consumer, and they have failed miserably on almost
all fronts.

## The public has failed to fund the consumer protection agency so that
it CAN do that job.
Water consumption averages around 40 gallons per person, but 2 gallons is plenty [especially when you pack it up a hill from the spring on your back]
and can be bought elsewhere.

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