This is very good news Kurt.  Dee 

-------Original Message-------
Date: 10/06/2008 23:11:23
Subject: CS>Dental Mercury Victory....FDA MUST classify fillings
How to stop Mercury in our mouths is a case in point regarding how to change
all the nonsense we see in medicine where treating symptoms with dangerous
drugs and never focusing on causes makes for expensive, dangerous treatment.
Now the Government will come to the rescue; hold on to your wallets.
This is important to understand. Changing the impossible, like the nonsense
that everyone needs cholesterol lowering drugs, or the current treatment of
Cancer, as though it is a local disease that can be cut out, are major
entrenched concepts that will take the same concerted efforts and money.
Here you will read about how finally a change in the perception around
amalgam fillings through hearings and fact sheets and coalition building and
the correct lawsuit by capable dedicated caring attorneys are all part of
the way that over enough time things can be changed.