As with eliminating mercury from Vaccines after proving that it's not the "mercury" that causes Autism, a change does not have to be based on fact to develop public pressure that the FDA knuckles under to.
Ie:  Changing a policy, does not prove that anyone was lying.

It means that the FDA sees itself [true or not] to be a public servant, subject to the public will...valid, or not...and will knuckle under to public pressure when an alternative is adequately functional.

It proves that pressure works, based in fact or not. [The truth, WHAT EVER it may be... is irrelevant...when the why nots, overwhelm the why tos and the consumer is willing to pay the difference when a somewhat less reliable, more expensive, but adequately functional filling leaks. Pick Mercury content as a reason, valid or not..and there ya go. ]

It has been shown that it's the inflammation from the vaccine that causes Autism, but only in genetically weakened individuals, as would the disease the vaccine is designed to prevent. But that can't be proven because taking the Vaccine prevents the second scenario. On the other hand, not being vaccinated doesn't mean you'll catch a disease, which accounts for statistical differences. On the other other hand, those who do get vaccinated transfer a sort of protection to those who aren't by interrupting the transmission vectors.

Yes, treatments can be dangerous. The question is ALWAYS, is the treatment more or less dangerous that what is being treated?
..and, are there safer alternatives that actually work more reliably?
Sometimes there are, but that's no reason to throw rocks at doctors who labor under threat of lawsuit and unable to try anything out of that *safe legal box*, for not knowing everything under the sun and taking a chance on something relatively more unproven.

A doctor cannot choose something that may not be more reliable, yet might work with less danger.
"YOU" can do that only because suing yourself doesn't pay.

EVERYONE goes by their *best guess*
[and denying ignorance has never equaled knowing anything ]
A guess can work for no known reason at all, in spite of any wrong but irrelevant reasons.

There ARE no absolute truths on this planet..everything is relative in a dualistic universe. Those who insist otherwise are lying in the *same manner* they claim someone else is.

To go "Your way" doesn't require changing everyone elses.
..and billions of people can be just as dead wrong as one person can be.

This was not a victory, it was a pressured vindication, proving only that people in numbers have the same power to manipulate policy that a public office has, regardless of any truths.
"Jim Crow" showed us another, albeit, more starkly consequential example.


At 06:10 PM 6/10/2008 -0400, you wrote:

How to stop Mercury in our mouths is a case in point regarding how to change all the nonsense we see in medicine where treating symptoms with dangerous drugs and never focusing on causes makes for expensive, dangerous treatment. Now the Government will come to the rescue; hold on to your wallets.

This is important to understand. Changing the impossible, like the nonsense that everyone needs cholesterol lowering drugs, or the current treatment of Cancer, as though it is a local disease that can be cut out, are major entrenched concepts that will take the same concerted efforts and money. Here you will read about how finally a change in the perception around amalgam fillings through hearings and fact sheets and coalition building and the correct lawsuit by capable dedicated caring attorneys are all part of the way that over enough time things can be changed.

These groups (including AAHF) developed strategies, built a united voice, and relied on credible information. To change the policy, there were petitions, Congressional hearings, state fact sheet laws, Scientific Advisory Committee hearings, and support letters, all setting the stage for the lawsuit.

It appears that somehow our system of Government occasionally works! Even the FDA cannot stay above the law forever. The FDA has thrown in the towel over mercury in amalgams! They will no longer lie on their website about its safety!! The end of mercury fillings is in sight!

The team here with Charles Brown, as the lead attorney, has done the impossible.

There is hope with this victory that someday other major lies about Alternative Medicine will also finally be overcome even if very slowly and expensively. This battle has cost proponents millions and those whose lives were needlessly wasted with ill health, billions!

But the good news is that with enough dedication to the fight, it proves it is possible in spite of the odds, and in all of our fights there are well endowed, deeply entrenched vested interests whether you talk about Autism or Cancer or Heart Disease or learning and memory problems, status quo always raises it head.

Further good news, however! The Time Magazine June 6th issue with a picture of a baby on the front cover and the article, The Truth About Vaccines, actually admits THERE IS A DANGER!!! Amazingly it concludes that with Autism there must be a genetic and environmental component. Of course, they have never read Newsweek about DNA, Epigenetics, Methylation, Agouti mice, etc so no one connects the dots.

Randy Jirtle, at Duke with his Agouti Mice, then proves that with exposures to some toxins like Bisphenyl A we all have in our bodies, we can all start to be healthier with adequate methylation support. They are not aware that cheap Folic acid found in 99% of supplements will NOT fill this need optimally over a lifetime but only all three folic acid versions with B-12, B-6 and the rest of the methylation support I write about from NAC to TMG and MSM, even SAM-e etc.

The defect in methylation that we now realize is proven to be related to mutations that virtually all of us have in 5’MTHFR enzyme pathways, even before we get an overload of toxins like phthalates, which are now known to be 10,000 times higher in the average person than 10 years ago, IMPAIRS OUR ABILITY TO DETOXIFY things like MERCURY.

Now that we are finally aware that we need to get the mercury out of our mouths, the environment is bringing us much more mercury. The rapid construction of new Coal burning power plants around the world will make sure we all are still mercury toxic unless you follow my protocol and start a lifetime ingestion of oral chelators from DMSA to EDTA to NAC to DL METHIONE to proven clean garlic supplements, Beyond Fiber, BioEn’R-G’y C etc.

Thus, just like the Time Magazine article about Vaccines and Autism states, even with the removal of most thiomersal from vaccines over the past 7 years, there is no decrease in Autism incidence. Of course, you can explain this when you read that for every new coal burning power plant in Texas the incidence of autism continues to rise, and it is now shown to be related to how close the child lives to the power plant.

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Dental Mercury Victory

AAHF is pleased to announce that the Food and Drug Administration must now classify mercury fillings! We congratulate Consumers for Dental Choices, Moms Against Mercury, International Academy of Oral and Metal Toxicology, and all other groups and individuals who have dedicated years to the issue of the dangers of dental mercury. This is a successful end to a 10-year battle to get the FDA to comply with the law and set a date to classify mercury amalgam. On Monday, June 2, Consumers for Dental Choice announced that they settled the lawsuit, Moms Against Mercury et al. v. Von Eschenbach, Commissioner, et al and that the FDA will finish classifying within one year of the close of the public comment period on its amalgam policy, that is, by July 28, 2009. Charlie Brown, General Council for Consumers for Dental Choice stated, “There’s more good news. During a several hour negotiation session, FDA agreed to change its website on amalgam -- dramatically. Gone, gone, gone are all of FDA’s claims that no science exists that amalgam is unsafe, or that other countries have acted for environmental reasons only, or that the 2006 Scientific Panel vote affirmed amalgam’s safety. Instead -- see -- FDA has moved to a neutral course, while recognizing the serious health concerns posed by amalgam in particular for children and unborn children, for pregnant women, for those with mercury immuno-sensitivity or high mercury body burdens.” As Charlie says, this isn’t a perfect win but it is a 180-degree reversal from FDA’s 30-year policy of protecting mercury fillings. This win also shows that health freedom can make a difference even when going against Goliath. This wasn’t a one-prong approach -- these groups (including AAHF) developed strategies, built a united voice, and relied on credible information. To change the policy, there were petitions, Congressional hearings, state fact sheet laws, Scientific Advisory Committee hearings, and support letters, all setting the stage for the lawsuit. The impact of the re-writing of FDA’s position on amalgam can hardly be understated. Their website will no longer be cited by the American Dental Association in public hearings. FDA shows awareness of the key issues involved. As it prepares to classify amalgam, FDA has moved to a position of neutrality. Indeed, having repeatedly raised the question of amalgam’s risk to children, young women, and the immuno-sensitive persons in its website, it is inconceivable that FDA will not in some way protect them in its upcoming rule. Please join us in celebrating this victory and consider giving a donation to the Consumers for Dental Choice to help off-set their costs of taking the lead on this issue.

Visit: for more information.

From: Dr. Diane Meyer B.S.D.D.S

We Win -- FDA Must Classify Mercury Fillings

We have won our ten-year battle to get the Food and Drug Administration to comply with the law and set a date to classify mercury amalgam.

On Monday, we settled our lawsuit, Moms Against Mercury et al. v. Von Eschenbach, Commissioner, et al. FDA will finish classifying within one year of the close of the public comment period on its amalgam policy, that is, by July 28, 2009.

There’s more good news. During a several hour negotiation session, FDA agreed to change its website on amalgam -- dramatically. Gone, gone, gone are all of FDA’s claims that no science exists that amalgam is unsafe, or that other countries have acted for environmental reasons only, or that the 2006 Scientific Panel vote affirmed amalgam’s safety. Instead -- see -- FDA has moved to a neutral course, while recognizing the serious health concerns posed by amalgam in particular for children and unborn children, for pregnant women, for those with mercury immuno-sensitivity or high mercury body burdens. FDA now states, for example:

“Dental amalgams contain mercury, which may have neurotoxic effects on the nervous systems of developing children and fetus.”

“Pregnant women and persons who may have a health condition that makes them more sensitive to mercury exposure, including individuals with existing high levels of mercury bioburden, should not avoid seeking dental care, but should discuss options with their health practitioner.”

Perfect? No. A 180-degree reversal from FDA’s 30-year policy of protecting mercury fillings? Absolutely.

To change FDA policy, we tried petitions, Congressional hearings, state fact sheet laws, Scientific Advisory Committee hearings, and letters galore -- to no avail. So in the great American tradition, we sued. The case came to a head this spring. On April 22, working with Johann Wehrle and Gwen Smith, I filed a motion for an injunction before Judge Ellen Huvelle. Three sets of briefs later, the government and I presented our oral arguments on May 16. In a crucial ruling, Judge Huvelle ruled that our 11 plaintiffs -- the diverse group listed below -- have standing. She said FDA should classify, and invited the two sides to mediate. On May 30, before Magistrate Judge John Facciola, Bob Reeves (who flew in from Lexington KY) and I hammered out an agreement with FDA officials and lawyers.

The impact of the re-writing of its position on amalgam can hardly be understated. FDA’s website will no longer be cited by the American Dental Association in public hearings. FDA shows awareness of the key issues involved. As it prepares to classify amalgam, FDA has moved to a position of neutrality. Indeed, having repeatedly raised the question of amalgam’s risk to children, young women, and the immuno-sensitive persons in its website, I find it inconceivable that FDA will not in some way protect them in its upcoming rule.

Charlie Brown
3 June 2008

PS 1: Our talented (and pro bono publico) legal team includes Consumers for Dental Choice president Sandy Duffy, Bob Reeves, Johann Wehrle, Sandra Keech, Mike McClory, and Gwen Smith; Larry Pilot served as legal advisor on the FDCA.

PS 2: Great appreciation to our gutsy plaintiffs, a team of four nonprofit groups, two public officials, three dental professionals, and two consumer victims: Moms Against Mercury (Amy Carson and Angela Medlin), Connecticut Coalition for Environmental Justice (Dr. Mark Mitchell), Oregonians for Life (Mary Starrett), mercury expert Michael Bender (in his capacity as Commissioner of a Vermont advisory board on mercury), Arizona Senator Karen Johnson, Dr. Andy Landerman, Dr. Corrie Crowe, dental assistant Karen Palmer, consumer advocates Linda Brocato and Anita Vazquez Tibau, and (of course) Consumers for Dental Choice.

Charles G. Brown, National Counsel
Consumers for Dental Choice
316 F St., N.E., Suite 210, Washington, DC 20002
Ph. 202.544-6333; fax 202.544-6331,

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