Not sure how or why, but I had a little excess energy this morning.

Must be the fresh air, working in the 90 degree plus heat, sweating and the sunlight.

 The folder name is  MBX_files.

The name should tell you something. Take a look as see if there is anything there you want.

  From time to time I may add more, and I may remove some of the files later.

  Some mailers will handle these and some likely will not.

  100 or more conversion utilities exist.

Generally the people that cannot manage mail, make filters, and mailboxes, and allow all their messages to go into the IN box and sort and process them manually, are doomed before they start.

  I think the two bit outlook can even import them, if you know how to do it.

I do not represent these to be complete, organized, and sorted in any manner.
You should be able to do that, as you see fit.

Some messages may be missing that I have on other drives or have removed from my active mailbox directories.

  So, look for the aspirin as you may get a headache.



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