Hello folks,

I originally prepared this post for another group but thought that some people here might also be interested.

I'll start with what I do and then say a few things regarding the rationale behind it.

I take a disposable plastic bag, pour some tap water into it, put this into the fridge, keep it there until about 60-70 percent of the water freezes, remove the bag, drain and discard the remaining water, break the ice, put it in a glass jar, and drink the thawed water.

The two main reasons for doing it are: the water gets structured and a lot of contamination that was present in the water is removed.

Concerning the structuring bit, it does not refer to some esoteric process. It has been very well explained scientifically by now. I did not specifically try to research this subject. I first red about it in an old popular scientific book published in the Soviet Union. It boils down to ice water being very similar in structure to the water inside the body. The author said that ".as it was found out, plasma membranes of most body cells as well as gigantic live molecules attract water molecules that are much smaller and arrange them in a very specific order, creating an ice-like matrix. The ice cover gets thicker with increasing molecular size. Cell protoplasm and interstitial fluid are filled with countless icebergs. The organism "freezes" a fairly large amount of its water!"

Today drinking this water is strongly promoted by many Russian "alternative medicine" authors. They speculate that it may the reason why in the areas with melting ice microorganisms multiply profusely or birds come to the north from Africa to breed, etc.

As for purification, it is the same process by which ice formed in the sea is salt free. When water freezes it drives out foreign molecules. This is why you only freeze about 60-70 percent of the water and let the impurities accumulate in the unfrozen portion to be thrown out later.

One recommendation that I currently forgo concerns heavy or deuterium water. It is naturally present in all water and it is also dead water. As it freezes at +3.8 degrees Celsius, the advice is to wait until a thin crust is formed on the walls of your container in the fridge put the water from it into another container to be used as described above and get rid of the deuterium water ice. For now I skip this step.

Concerning the taste, I might say that it tastes very good, this however would be somewhat misleading as there is actually very little taste to it. A better way to put it would be to say that it feels very nice and refreshing, especially if drunk when still cold.

By the way, I am not to be regarded as an expert on the subject. I just tried it, liked it, and drink it.


PS. Masaru Emoto studied water structure from a different perspective but his pictures are interesting.

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