Actually I just went through a terrible experience of my own. My cardiologist is a dear and wonderful person. He wanted me to have a procedure with another doctor, a specialist, because I have been having syncope episodes. . I met with the specialist and didn't like him on the spot. He was rude, arrogant, just full of himself. However, I had been told that he is very good at what he does, and because I trust my cardiologist. I agreed to the procedures. They are called tests but they are actually minor operations. One was an angiogram and the other was an electrical test of some kind to determine a certain behavior of my heart. One test was to be done by the specialist and the other by his 'assistant', another doctor.

I was told I would be sedated and the angiogram site would be numbed, and after the tests I would have to lie flat on my back for 6 to 8 hours or however long it took me to recover.

I've had an angiogram before, and it is not a pleasant test, but it was nothing like what I went through this time.

I was 'sedated' with a small valium pill and an antihistamine. Then the doctor proceded to numb the groin with a novacaine needle. It was very very painful and I was screaming at him to stop but he wouldn't. It was all down hill from there. I won't bore you with the rest of the gory details beyond the fact that I was at that hospital for a total of 12 hours, and came home exhausted and bruised and sick with some skin torn from my back by tape being ripped off. This was not deliberate but it was very careless. There was more but I won't go into it. My cardiologist was extremely upset and advised me to report everything to the hospital's patient representative, which I did about a week later.

This all took place about 2 weeks ago. the good news is that my heart is in great condition, all previous surgery is in good shape. The bad news is that they still don't know what caused the syncope and it may happen again. My cardiologist was worried about a certain heart condition which is very dangerous and could cause me great grief, but it has been ruled out because of the tests.

I don't know where I go from here. But as I told my cardiologist, if I could grow a foot taller and gain 100 lbs. I would go find that 'assistant' doctor who administered the novacaine and punch his face off.

Faith G.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Clayton Family" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2008 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: CS>night sweats after heart surgery- Faith

Because, honestly Faith, Doctors have only one point of view. Most of
us are here because of the limitations of doctors, bless their hearts.
And there might even be some doctors on the list that might have an
idea that his dr did not think of.  And if someone else had a similar
experience and knew something that might help, they could speak up.  I
have learned more from other people's experiences than I could ever
have believed.  And I know of several people that have *died* in
hospitals from errors, I was almost one of them from nursing staff


On Jun 29, 2008, at 7:44 AM, Faith Gagne wrote:

Honestly, why do you not discuss this with his doctor? Faith G.

----- Original Message -----
From: Dianne France
To: silver-list
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2008 5:38 AM
Subject: CS>night sweats after heart surgery


I was hoping that someone might have a suggestion that might help my husband with night sweats post surgery. He has been home almost a week recovering from by pass surgery and can't seem to regulate body temperature during the nights. He goes from chills to hot night sweats but no temperature evident. I'm sure some of this is probably is body dealing with all the chemicals and trauma. It is making his nights very unpleasant and tiring him out more. Any suggestions as to what might help would be greatly appreciated.


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