Evening Pat,

At 10:33 PM 7/5/2008, you wrote:
I sure hate to comment on computer problems here since I'd rather keep this list about CS and other helpful natural substances,

  That is impossible. If you have messed up fonts and Can't read the messages.

but I just have to mention that Wayne seems to be having the same problem I have when using Eudora.

That is NO Problem. It is a Fact of Life. ( NO problem that I see to my knowledge )

If the font was good enough to send to the list, and the person that wrote the message
selected it.............

 I am not going to change it for love or money.

Once I quote something, my font changes to whatever font is in the quote. I haven't found a way to change it back.

  Yes, that is exactly what it should to.
  Not change it BACK........... Not change it at all.

I can change it to anything I want, ............. in a New York Minute, or a few seconds.

Here on Yahoo mail I can just change it easily (if I'm using rich text rather than plain text).

   I doubt seriously that Yahoo can do anything that Eudora cannot do.

Someone, somehow, changed my font. Not me. It always comes back to me perfect.

I don't know who changed the font to blue and the size.  Not me.
Quoted in your message is the first time this has happened, so I can only deduct that
You did it,  Accidently, Intentionally, or Unknowingly.

And I think you are wrong saying I HAVE ANY PROBLEM.

It must be your Yahoo settings.  <grin>


=========== My words but not my font or the color.  How Come  ?

I am fully aware that any machine, device or instrument can be designed and built to
accomplish virtually any purpose or virtually any task.

And, ........  I have no doubt that every think you say is  100 % correct.

My only slight difference and problem is that one would consider these highly sophisticated instruments, costing many thousands of dollars to be a ppm meter.
They appear to be a single purpose instrument.

I don't think you even said that they were ppm meters.  <grin>

It disturbs me that the instrument industry is talking about combining EC and ppm
 and having only one unit.  Not sure what they could call it.

I believe that many would never accept it. ppm is an absolute. EC is also, but they are not the same thing, and never will be. In rare cases, pure water and one item, and they will be close, as you stated.

