At 03:13 AM 7/6/2008, you wrote:
Wayne, likely your problems are that you skim and don't read thoroughly and likely don't listen well, either.

   When you know all the answers, you do not have to read so closely.

>> And I say most of the problem is that you are so arrogant that you won't help, only put down >> others.

If you asked questions and acted like you wanted help, I would certainly help.

You said, "I wonder why you set it to do that, then can't turn it off.
Should take a few seconds."
I like for it to let me know when I have personal mail.

You must not have the filters set right, if at all. List mail should not play a tune if the filter is set right for the list and right for personal mail. It is impossible to fix something that is NOT BROKE. If you are not on the right track, and half way to first base, ........ what is there to fix or what is there to ask, and what is there to know ?

You can play a different tune for each filter. And turn it off for any single one. Or play any wave file that you record. Short, words, not tunes, or Curse someone if that is what you want to do.

Want me to send you a file that says, ....... "There is that Idiot Wayne again" ?

You said, "Your mailers are a disaster for you, no matter what.
Likely that stupid Rich Text is half of your problems."
But I'd said I have no problems with the font when in rich text in Yahoo mail.
   Yahoo is the Root of all Evil and the source of virtually all problems.

I do not get one message in 50,000  that messes up in any way.

You said, "Most of the problems are YOU, not the mailer."

And I say most of the problem is that you are so arrogant that you won't help, only put down others. I'm sure the mail problem is mine, and that's why I'd asked the expert for help in navigating Eudora.

  I don't know who you asked for help or what the questions were.

  You started off by saying I had a problem.

  I do not consider statements and wrong assumptions to be questions.

  What question do you have ?



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