Clayton Family,

I believe Spirulina is a salt water algae, chlorella is the fresh water variety commonly sold in stores. Corrections welcome.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Clayton Family" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 7:02 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Kelp versus spirulina- algae lessons

There are major differences between salt water algae (kelp, etc) and fresh water algae, the first being that nearly all sea water kelp and other algae is safe to eat, and many different kinds are used as food all over the world.

Nearly all fresh water algae is poisonous. It is so toxic that one should not even get their feet wet in a green puddle of water.

There are algal blooms in the ocean that are also poisonous, called the red tide. No one goes in during red tide, and it kills lots of fish. There are similar types of problems that occur with algal blooms in estuaries.

Kelp is usually Macrocystis species sea algae that is quite large and grows nearly everywhere off the west coast of the Americas. It is also called a sea vegetable, and also goes by Giant Kelp.

Spirulina is a fresh water blue green algae that is edible, according to some sites I googled, however, I remain suspicious of the fresh water algae. Some people might do well with it, if they have highly functioning toxin removal systems.

On Jul 14, 2008, at 7:20 AM, Dee wrote:

Has anyone any idea what the difference between these two is? if there is a difference, which would be the best all round supplement to have/or both as the case may be? Also, does anyone have any advice re painful knee joints and was this something to do with magnesium oil? Many thanks in advance. Dee

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