I agree with this post on Lugol's Iodine, RE: Brest cancer.  Also I have had 
100% positive results with my Black Salve, I have great pictures with it 
working on me.

Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

--- On Fri, 7/18/08, Dee <d...@deetroy.org> wrote:

From: Dee <d...@deetroy.org>
Subject: Re: CS>breast cancer
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Friday, July 18, 2008, 2:48 AM

#yiv184163477 v\:* {

#yiv184163477 v\:* {

I had great success with Lugols with overheating i.e. Getting really 
suffocatingly hot even when all others are cool.  I now am 'normal' as far as 
this goes, but do feel the cold in the winter now!  Still, you can't have 
everything.  I now keep my iodine intake up using kelp, but I think if your 
levels are low then Lugols is the way to go.  A proviso here: make sure you are 
not allergic to it first.  Dee 

-------Original Message-------

From: Shirley Reed
Date: 17/07/2008 22:57:50
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>breast cancer
   People also need to know that both fibroid cysts in the breasts  and 
hypothyroidism usually precede breast  cancer and that a sufficient intake of 
the two forms of iodine in Lugol's Solution will eliminate both conditions.   
pj  Let him (her) that has ears to hear, hear, and whoever has a computer to 
research this, do so.