Evening Faith,

At 10:51 AM 7/21/2008, you wrote:
I have never heard of silver rich soil.  where is it?  Faith G.

  Silver rich soil does not mean the same as a

  "Silver Rich Mine".

Being a trace mineral, likely a thimble full or a teaspoon full per acre would be more than enough.

Silver rich soils are usually the result of disturbance by man or nature, no doubt.

The "silver rich" soils could have from a fraction or a mg to a few mg per 100 grams of soil.
And soil depths vary, so likely no one can figure out the amount per acre.

Seems we had some discussion a few months ago. Some did not believe that silver is a
necessary and required nutrient.

I think I posted a reference that suggests it was in fact of benefit to plants, but must be
compounded or chelated in the proper manner.

Anytime we underestimate the adaptability of plants, animals, bacteria, and virus, we have likely made a mistake.

And of course we all believe in the benefits of silver. Yet few believe it is the answer to every problem of the world.

Let us know when you start you silver mine in "silver rich" soils.  <grin>



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