But please come back when you finish reading.  The information below is 
critically important to you. 
As a side note, the Chinese factories of these two pharmacetuical mammoths are 
(unlike Sanofi-Pasteur's Swiftwater, PA, factory, according to dissidents such 
as Harry Wu, et. al.) staffed in part or entirely by poltical and other 
prisoners working under brutal slave labor conditions. China has a long history 
of Western Pharmaceutical manufacture, according to Wikipedia. 
Bear in mind that most influenza strains and their hosts adapt to each other 
after roughtly two years, so that the same strain of flu no longer causes 
symptoms.  Of course, once a strain has been weaponized, there is little reason 
to think that it will revert as natural strains do.  It, or the vaccine it 
to legitimize, will go on killing and killing and killing.  Or is the word 
To date, there have only been around 385  human cases identified worldwide (if 
those identifications are trustworthy, of course), with only 243 deaths. To put 
the absurdity of this effort into perspective, Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD), 
researchers believe is heavily associated with aspartame consumption, is a 
leading cause of death which, according to the CDC, for example, killed 460,000 
Americans in 1999 and the numbers keep rising 
(http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5106a3.htm). but Aspartame is not 
under the gun. Instead, Avian Flu is. 
To quote Dr. Ott, "There are 6.7 Billion humans on planet earth.  This equates 
to a statistical infection rate of .000000004215 percent. In other words, 
statistically speaking, you are over 100,000 times more likely to be hit by 
lightning in your home than to contract the "Bird Flu." 
Given the shockingly obvious lack of a real threat from an unweaponized H5N1 
virus, how can we explain the  Bush Administration spending billions of dollars 
preparing each of the 50 States for what it drums into us is the "inevitable 
Bird Flu pandemic" anticipated to kill half or more of all Americans and 
numbers of people around the globe? 
Back to the Time Line 
March 1997:  
• Zero confirmed "H5N1" human cases exist anywhere in the word 
• The U.S. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Ft. Detrick, Rockville, 
Maryland, the US research center for biological weaponry, commissions  Dr. 
Jeffery Taubenberger to lead a research team to ISOLATE the 1918 Flu Virus' 
genetic code, the most lethal pathogen in history 
Aug. 24, 1997: 
• Brevig, Alaska.  Research Team member Johan Hultin sends well-preserved 1918 
flu virus specimens (from a frozen body killed by the 1918 flu) to Dr. 
Taubenberger's lab in Maryland.  
• Days later, Taubenberger detects the genetic fragments for which he has been 
• The 1918 virus' RNA-based gene fragments are analyzed by computer sequencing 
in order to reveal its complete genetic code. Even with a super-computer, this 
code sequencing will take years to complete. 
October, 2003: 
• Taubenberger's team finally deciphers the deadly 1918 flu virus' entire 
genetic code - completing a 6 year project. 
• Taubenberger's colleague, R.G. Webster, publishes article in American 
Scientist Magazine declaring: "The world is teetering on the edge of a flu 
pandemic that could kill a large fraction of the human population". 
October, 2004 
• Dmtry Lvov, head of the Russian Virology Institute declares that up to one 
billion people around the world could die during the next pandemic. 
June, 2005: 
• At Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York (alleged to be Rockefeller 
controlled), Taubenberger,Peter Palese and Adolfo Garcia-Sastro create 
or DNA rings, from the 1918 killer virus, permanently "stabilizing" its genetic 
material for use as a biological weapon 
• This is the final step in revitalizing the deadly pathogen but the press is 
told tit will only to be used as a "vaccination tool" - even though the disease 
is currently non-existent. 
August, 2005: 
• Taugenberger's team inserts plasmids into human kidney cells which then 
transfers human DNA into the virus making it "human specific" 
• The 1918 virus, responsible for the death of millions around the world is now 
ready for use by humans 
Sept. 9, 2005: 
• The UN in New York City issues a world-wide press release introducing David 
Nabarro as the "UN System Senior Coordinator for Avian, Human Influenza".  
Sept. 29, 2005: 
• Nabarro issues an "Official U.N. Warning" that "an outbreak of 'avian 
influenza' would kill between 5 million and 150 million people on each 
Oct. 2005: 
• Pres. Bush's newly appointed secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS, the 
parent organization of both the CDC and the FDA), former Utah Governor Mike O. 
Leavitt, intensifies multibillion Pandemic Bird Flu preparations 
Dec. 2005: 
• Bush solicits Congress for $7.1 Billion to fund "preparations" --- $3.3 
billion is immediately allocated to Leavitt's HHS 
January 24, 2006 
• Department of Homeland Security awards KBR, a Halliburton subsidiary, a $385 
million contract for US detention centers 
Jan. 2006: 
• Leavitt launches website - www.pandemicflu.gov - on which he says: "Let me be 
clear. It is only a matter of time before we discover H5N1 in America.  The 
migration patterns of the wild fowl that carry the virus makes it appearance 
here almost inevitable!" 
• China hosts the "International Pledging Conference on Avian and Human 
Influenza" in Beijing and is promised massive sums of money from the west --- 
Leavitt alone commits $334 million in funds to aid China's research into 
"vaccine development".   
• Leavitt has a long history of fostering Chinese trade activities as Utah's 
March 2006: 
• Breaking new ground, Leavitt's HHS allocates funds to a private television 
network to produce a "made-for-TV" movie about the "bird flu" 
• Leavitt jokes that he wants "the handsomest actor" to play his character 
• Leavitt declares on HHS website (exactly as John D. Rockefeller declared in 
1916): "The best defense against influenza is VACCINATION."  
• Leavitt further declares: "The current U.S. capacity for manufacturing 
egg-based vaccines is not sufficient to supply our entire population. HHS is 
supporting research into [human kidney] cell-based vaccine manufacture of 
producing vaccine domestically 
April, 2006: 
• HHS announces a $97 million contract for the development of cell-based flu 
• Leavitt  declares: "The FDA can use its Emergency Use Authorization authority 
to permit the use of unapproved products if there's a reasonable belief the 
products may be effective." 
• 32 states pass laws which make resisting inocculation once ordered by the 
governor a felony. 
• These laws join Patriot Act I, II, BARDA, BIOSHIELD I, II in making drug 
treatment and innoculation mandatory once a Pandemic is called. 
• Unlimited quarantine without review is mandated under these laws for those 
resist innoculation under Pandemic conditions. 
• Fully staffed, empty detention centers exist all over North America.  The 
largest, in Alasks, is roumored to have a 2.5 million person capacity. 
December, 2006 
• New York Times reports Gulf War Syndrome positively linked to vaccination of 
• More than 100,000 vets contracted the syndrome during the 1991 Desert Storm 
• More than 20,000 vets have died to date from this syndrom believed to be 
triggered by squalene, a vaccine "adjuvant." 
• All modern vaccines contain squalene 
April 17, 2007: 
• The Food and Drug Adminstration (FDA) branch of HHS utilizes its Emergency 
Authorization authority and awards a license to produce H5N1 "Bird Flu" 
to Sanofi-Pasteur.  
• FDA Bird Flu approval letter states: 
"We have approved your Biologics License Application (BLA) for Influenza Virus 
Vaccine, H5N1, effective this date. You are hereby authorized to introduce or 
deliver for introduction into interstate commerce, Influenza Virus Vaccine, 
H5N1, under your existing Department of Health and Human Services U.S. License 
No. 1725; however, we acknowledge your statement provided in your submission of 
April 5, 2007, that Sanofi Pasteur Inc. does not intend to license this product 
for commercial distribution, since it was produced under contract to the U.S. 
Department of Health and Human Services as part of national pandemic 
preparedness initiatives. Influenza Virus Vaccine, H5N1, is indicated for 
immunization of persons 18 through 64 years of age at increased risk of 
to the H5N1 influenza virus subtype contained in the vaccine." 
• Among the required post-market studies on this untested vaccine are; 
1. Protocol submission: Study DMID 04-077: "A randomized, double-blinded, phase 
I/II, study of the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of intramuscular 
inactivated influenza A/H5N1 vaccine in healthy children aged 2 years through 9 
2. Final study report submission: September 30, 2008.Study DMID 04-076: "A 
randomized double-blinded, placebo-controlled, phase I/II, dose-ranging study 
the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of intramuscular inactivated 
influenza A/H5N1 vaccine in healthy elderly adults." 
3. Study DMID 05-0043: "Revaccination of healthy subjects with intramuscular 
inactivated subunit influenza A/Vietnam/1203/2004 (H5N1) vaccine representing a 
drifted variant. 
4. "Study DMID 05-0090: "Evaluation of a booster dose of A/Vietnam/1203/04 
(H5N1) vaccine administered at 6 months to healthy adult subjects after a two 
dose schedule at 0 and 1 month." 
5. Study DMID 05-0129: "Open label evaluation of H5N1 vaccine at vaccine 
manufacturing facilities." 
6. Study DMID 05-0130: "A single center, open label, phase I/II study of the 
safety and immunogenicity of two 90 µg doses of intramuscular inactivated 
influenza A/H5N1 vaccine in healthy adult subjects." 
Nov. 26, 2007: 
• Leavitt's HHS orders 100 million H5N1 "vaccines [doses]" from Sanofi-Pasteur. 
Expected delivery date, August, 2008.  
• Sanofi-Pasteur issues a press release announcing their lucrative HHS contract 
(100 million vaccines @ $15 USD each) and declares that the cell-based vaccine 
will be mass produced in the company's CHINA facility - then shipped to 
Stillwater, PA for hypodermic syringe-friendly packaging. 
• Approval and contract have all been consumated in the absence of offical 
Jan. 2008: 
• Covert 'human trials' of Sanofi-Pasteur H5N1 vaccine is conducted on 350 
homeless vagrants in Poland.  
• According to London Telegraph  (http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/euro
and Examininer articles, this results in 21 "instant" deaths and over 200 
severely incapacitated or hospitalized."  Development and sales of H5N1 vaccine 
February 14, 2008 
• U.S. Air Force Gen. Gene Renuart, commander of North American Aerospace 
Defense Command and U.S. Northern Command, and Canadian Air Force Lt.-Gen. Marc 
Dumais, commander of Canada Command, sign a Civil Assistance Plan that allows 
the military from one nation to support the armed forces of the other nation 
during a civil emergency. 
• "Our commands were created by our respective governments to respond to the 
defense and security challenges of the twenty-first century, and we both 
that these and other challenges are best met through cooperation between 
The plan facilitates the military-to-military support of civil authorities once 
government authorities have agreed on an appropriate response." 
• Avian Flu response is a part of NorthCom's mission, and according to Gen. 
Stubblebine's analysis, appears to be the primary element in its mission: 

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