
I've battled Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for 8 1/2 years.  I had a remission that 
lasted a year (and thought a was "cured") but for the past week it has been 
back as strong as ever.  I can't figure out why it came back (or exactly why it 
went away for that matter).  I eat very well, am off of sugar, caffein, and 

I have a CS generator and have used it for sinuses, skin issues, and topical 
stuff...  However, I'm thinking of trying CS internally now for the CFSID.

Does anyone have any recommendations as to a daily dose?

Also, I am using a SilverGen and always turned up the knob to high to get a 
high particle size for skin issues... should I make batches at a different 
"strength" to get smaller particles for internal use?  

Lea Ann Savage
Satellite Beach, FL
321-773-7088 (home)
321-961-9219 (cell)

Will they know I'm a Christian by my love?
John 13:35 

"Christian workers must always be sure the Lord of the work is more important 
to them than the work of the Lord."
Arthur Burt

(Two must read books!)
