Andy asks:

> Maybe this is too obvious but couldn't you just put it into  capsules? 

Yes, I've thought of it. I've got a small gram balance and the tool to 
fill gelcaps with, so it's certainly do-able. I figured that it would 
end up being a LOT of capsules to get enough of the stuff into me. It's 
a light fluffy powder, and the dose is something on the order of a good 
tablespoon or so... I will at some point probably try it just to figure 
out for sure what the numbers would be like.

I'd like to find an easy way to get it into the diet, though, as part 
of my food, or at least some palatable addition or supplement. There've 
been some good suggestions so far. Thanks folks!

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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